

作者(外文):Gao, YongjiuZhang, Jinguo
主題關鍵詞:新加坡族群比例經驗啟示SingaporeProportion of ethnic groupsExperience and enlightenment
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新加坡獨立建國后, 圍繞構建國家認同的政治主題, 甩掉百年被殖民的歷史遺產與獨立建國的現實困境, 立足國情, 從政治角度促進族際整合, 以組屋為平臺, 以"族群比例"為手段, 利用轉換空間位置弱化族群集體差異, 強化個體差異, 培育公民意識, 智慧地將多民族國家治理中棘手的種族矛盾、族際衝突化解, 成功地打造了國家認同, 柔性地實現了民族國家建構的宏大目標。作為塑造國家認同的一種策略和手段, 形成了解決民族問題的"新加坡經驗", 它的意義是世界性的, 這對於我國建立各民族相互嵌入式的社會結構和社區環境具有重大的借鑒意義。
Based on the practical situation of the state, the dilemmas of getting rid of a hundredyear-old colonial historical heritage and building a nation independently after independence, Singapore, which is also referred as a "National Museum", promotes integration of ethnic groups in terms of politics by focusing on the building of national identity. It takes advantage of housing as a platform to converse special position of ethnic groups by means of "proportion of ethnic groups", which weakens the ethnic differences collectively and enhances individual differences. As results of this, the citizen consciousness is cultivated, the racial contradictions and interethnic conflicts that are intractable issues in the governance of a multi-national state are dissolved intelligently, national identity is created successfully, the ambitious goals of nation-state construction is achieved flexibly. The "Singapore Experience" in solving ethnic problems is formed as a kind of strategy and solution to shape the national identity. Its implication is worldwide and it provides tremendous reference for the exploration of an embedded social structure and community environment of intra ethnic groups in China.
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