

書刊名:匯勘北美原住民文學 : 多元文化的省思;黃心雅, 阮秀莉 (編)
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1.Tatonetti, Lisa(2004)。Disrupting a Story of Loss: Charles Eastman and Nicholas Black Elk Narrate Survivance。Western American Literature,39(3),279-311。  new window
1.Silko, Leslie Marmon(1991)。Almanac of the Dead。New York:Penguin Books。  new window
2.Deloria, Vine Jr.、Lytle, Clifford M.(1983)。American Indians, American Justice。Austin:University of Texas Press。  new window
3.Stephanson, Anders(1995)。Manifest Destiny: American Expansionism and the Empire of Right。New York:Hill and Wang。  new window
4.Allen, Paula Gunn(1986)。The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions。Boston:Beacon Press。  new window
5.Apess, William(1979)。Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts, Relative to the Mashpee Tribe; or, The Pretended Riot Explained。Stanfordville, NY:E.M. Coleman。  new window
6.Deloria, Vine Jr.、Lytle, Clifford M.(1998)。The Nations Within: The Past and Future of American Indian Sovereignty。Austin:U of Texas P。  new window
7.DeMallie, Raymond J.(1984)。Black Elk, The Sixth Grandfather。Lincoln, Nebraska:U of Nebraska P。  new window
8.Jaskoski, Helen(1996)。Early Native American Writing: New Critical Essays。New York:Cambridge UP。  new window
9.Kidwell, Clara Sue、Velie, Alan(2005)。Native American Studies。Lincoln:U of Nebraska P。  new window
10.Konkle, Maureen(2004)。Writing Indian Nations: Native Intellectuals and the Politics of Historiography, 1827-1863。Chapel Hill:U of North Carolina P。  new window
11.Krupat, Arnold(1990)。Ethnocrticism: Ethnography, History, Literature。Berkeley:U of California P。  new window
12.Krupat, Arnold(1996)。The Turn to the Native。Lincoln:U of Nebraska P。  new window
13.Lundquist, Suzanne(2004)。Native American Literatures: An Introduction。New York:Continuum。  new window
14.McNickle, D'Arcy(1978)。The Surrounded。Albuquerque:U of New Mexico P。  new window
15.Walker, Cheiyl(1997)。Indian Nation: Native American Literature and Nineteenth-Century Nationalism。Duke UP。  new window
16.Welch, James(1987)。Fools Crow。New York:Penguin。  new window
17.San Juan, E.(1999)。Beyond Postcolonial Theory。New York:St. Martin's Press。  new window
18.Porter, Joy、Roemer, Kenneth M.(2005)。The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature。Cambridge:Cambridge UP。  new window
19.Momaday, N. Scott(1977)。The Way to Rainy Mountain。Albuquerque:U of New Mexico P。  new window
20.McNickle, D'Arcy(1988)。Wind from An Enemy Sky。Albuquerque:U of New Mexico P。  new window
21.Pfister, Joel(2004)。Individuality Incorporated: Indians and the Multicultural Modern。Durham:Duke UP。  new window
22.McNickle, D'Arcy(1973)。Native American Tribalism: Indian Survivals and Renewal。London:Oxford UP for the Institute of Race Relations。  new window
23.Krupat, Arnold(2002)。Red Matters: Native American Studies。Philadelphia:U of Pennsylvania P。  new window
24.Silko, Leslie Marmon(1977)。Ceremony。New York:Penguin。  new window
1.Bhabha, H.、Comaroff, J.(2002)。Speaking of postcoloniality, in the continuous present: A conversation。Relocating Postcolonialism。Oxford:Blackwells。  new window
2.Apess, William(1992)。Eulogy on King Philip。On Our Own Ground: The Complete Writings of William Apess, A Pequot。Amherst:U of Massachusetts P。  new window
3.Apess, William(1992)。A Son of the Forest: The Experience of William Apess, a Native of the Forest。On Our Own Ground: The Complete Writings of William Apess, A Pequot。Amherst:U of Massachusetts P。  new window
4.Goldberg, David Theo(2002)。Racial Rule。Relocating Postcolonialism。Oxford:Blackwell。  new window
5.Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth(2001)。The American Indian Fiction Writers: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, the Third World, and First Nation Sovereignty。Nothing but the Truth: An Anthology of Native American Literature。New Jersey:Prentice-Hall。  new window
6.Hans, Birgit(1996)。Rethinking History: A Context for The Surrounded。The Legacy of D'Any McNickle。Norman:U of Oklahoma P。  new window
7.Wise, Todd R.(2000)。Speaking Through Others: Black Elk Speaks as Testimonial Literature。The Black Elk Reader。New York:Syracuse UP。  new window
8.Warrior, Robert Allen(1995)。Temporary Visibility: Deloria on Sovereignty and AIM。Native American Perspectives on Literature and History。U of Oklahoma P。  new window
9.O'Connell, Barry(1992)。[On Our Own Ground: The Complete Writings of William Apess] Introduction。On Our Own Ground: The Complete Writings of William Apess。Albuquerque:U of New Mexico P。  new window
10.Moore, David L.(1999)。Silko's Blood Sacrifice: The Circulating Witness in Almanac of the Dead。Leslie Marmon Silko: A Collection of Critical Essays。Albuquerque:U of New Mexico P。  new window
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