

作者:王如鈺 引用關係
作者(外文):Ru-Yuh Wang
主題關鍵詞:Uppsala學派國際化國際化經驗性知識國際新事業創業公司創始國際化公司首次設立海外據點UppsalaInternational New VentureInternational Experiential KnowledgeInternational Start-UpsInitial Foreign Investment
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對企業國際化的研究,過去以北歐的Uppsala學派為主要代表,此一學派強調企業的國際化是漸進的過程(incremental process),企業由本國市場發展開始,透過國際市場經驗性知識(International Expertial Knowledge)及資源的累積,繼而逐步邁向國際化﹔但國際新事業理論(Theory of International New Ventures),卻舉出愈來愈多的新創業公司自創業開始,直接跨越國內市場發展階段,因此提出Uppsala學派在解釋此類型態公司之缺憾,但INVs理論卻未能處理有關「海外市場選擇與新創業公司如何培植國際化所需的組織能力」的國際化重要問題,而偏重於新創業公司快速國際化現象之描述。
(1) 創業團隊創業前海外經驗影響﹕就創業前的海外經驗愈多,企業傾向愈早設立海外據點、同時創業前海外管理經驗愈多,則愈可能在創業初期設立海外據點﹔海外經驗愈多,廠商可直接設立海外據點,不需先行透過中間形式﹔
(2) 外部資源尋求﹕若能獲得國內企業財團,在創業初期的資金投入,並吸引國際管理人才加入,則創業公司在設立海外據點時程上會較早﹔
(3) 公司特質﹕公司對海外市場當地技術資訊依賴程度愈高,則高科技公司傾向於創業初期即設立海外據點﹔
(4) 產業特性﹕當公司認為,海外市場技術及市場因素愈重要時,則愈可能選擇以設立據點方式,進入當地市場經營﹔
(5) 市場區位因素(location factor)與創業團隊創業前海外經驗之互動﹕當企業首次設立海外據點,進行市場選決策時,市場區位相對影響力,高於創業團隊創業前海外經驗;但對於設立之時機,則恰相反。
The school of Uppsala held the dominating theory in business internationalization. They proclaim that the internationalization of business is an incremental process. Business will develop domestically, through the accumulation of international experiential knowledge and resources then gradually begins the internationalization process. However, the theory of International New Ventures (INVs) points out that more and more new ventures start their companies internationally without the domestic development stage. INVs claimed that the Uppsala’s theory lacks the ability to explain these types of new ventures. Yet, INVs’ theory cannot explain oversea market choice and the very important problem about how new start-up companies develop the organization capability for internationalization. And they merely focusing on describing the phenomena of fast internationalization.
In this thesis, by combining Uppsala and INVs’ theory together with literatures about how top managers of new ventures influence the process of internationalization, we explore and explain about “How new start-up company can setup the first foreign base within the early stage from inception”. Through four case studies, we discovered that the founding teams of high-tech companies in Taiwan have already gathered enough knowledge and resources before they start the company. These new ventures also acquiring exterior resources which compensated the insufficiency of international experiential knowledge and resources so that they can start their internationalization in such an early stage. The study shows for those early internationalization companies, we must take into consideration about the internationalization experience of the founding team. And from the view of INVs, considering the ability to acquire exterior resources including people with international management ability, capital, and the ability to access the international network. Contrast to those early established industries, these can boost the process of internationalization from their inception of newly found companies.
By analyzing sample data from 69 respondents out of 401 companies from information and electronic industry in Taiwan, we discovered:
1. The influence of international experience of founding team before starting the company: The more international management experience they have the earlier they start their oversea investment, and the more likely they tend to setup an oversea branch even in their inception. The more international experience the more likely they setup oversea branch directly without going through the intermediate mode.
2. Acquisition of exterior resources: If the new venture can have investment from domestic consortium and at the same time attracts people with international management ability to join their firm, the startup company will setup their oversea investment earlier.
3. Characteristic of the company: If the company relies more on the technical information of the oversea market then the high-tech company tends to setup their oversea branch earlier.
4. Characteristic of the product: The more important of technical and market aspect of the oversea market, then the more likely they start their investment in the oversea local market.
5. The market location factor and the international experience of founding team: The market location factor decides the selection of the first foreign base location, whereas on the contrary the timing of setting up the first foreign base depends on the foreign market experience of the founding team.
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