

作者:何明修 引用關係
作者(外文):Minh-Sho Ho
主題關鍵詞:民間社會民主轉型社會運動環境運動政治機會civil societydemocratic transitionsocial movementenvironmental movementpolitical opportunity
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我們將民主轉型視為一種政治機會結構(political opportunity structure),其中包含了四項彼此相關的因素,亦即國家組織性質、政策回應、抗議處理、政治聯盟者。在自由化(1986-1989)、威權反撲(1990-1992)、民主化(1993-1998)三個轉型時期之中,不同的政治開放性形塑了環境運動發展的可能性。在自由化時期中,政府試圖以溫和的態度來處理環境抗議事件,並且推出新的環境政策,不過這些舉動並不能阻止環境運動與反對運動發展出聯盟關係,形成大眾抗爭(popular upsurge)的局勢。1990年之後,國家當局對於民間社會的容忍程度降低,開始採取有組織的打壓政策,這促使環境運動提昇了其抗議的層次,並且紛紛投入選舉。在民主化時期之中,台灣的政黨政治日益成熟,但是環境運動並沒有隨著政治抗議的消失而沒落,反而進入了一個新的制度化階段。一方面,環境運動不再具有高度的“政治性”訴求,過去與反對黨的聯盟關係逐漸瓦解;另一方面,國家部門也放棄了打壓,並且願意開放若干環境決策參與的管道。隨著環境團體的成長,抗議案件的持續增加,更多元的運動路線不斷推出,環境運動逐漸成為民間社會之中一個強而有力的部門。
Political conditions shape the possibility of social movements. A closed political system enhances the difficulty of collective mobilization, but a successful social protest can also change the unfavorable external condition. In this study, the dialectical relation between democratic transition in Taiwan and environmental movement is our subject. The main questions are what kind of mobilization opportunity the political opening brought forth and how social movement in turn pushed the political further.
We take democratic transition as a change of political opportunity structure, which consists in four mutually related variables, organization of state, policy response, policing of protest and political alliance. In three periods of transition, i.e., liberalization(1986-1989), authoritarian backlash(1990-1992), democratization (1993-1998), different degree of political openness’ shapes the contour of environmental movement. In liberalization period, government treated the environmental protests mildly and set up new policy orientation. But these moves failed to prevent the alliance between environmental movement and the political opposition movement, which resulted in popular upsurge. After 1990, we witnessed the lowering of state elite’s’ tolerance as regards with civil society and the following organized suppression attempt. Thus, environmental movement raised its level of protest, and many activists joined the election campaign. In democratization, as the party politics in Taiwan matured, environmental movement did not disappear in relation as political protests decline; contrary to popular belief, it rather entered a new phrase of institutionalization. On the one hand, the movement itself lost the “political character”, and the alliance with opposition party underwent the process of collapse; on the other, the state turned away from its previous strategy of crackdown, and war more willing to open up some participation access. With the growth of citizen groups and protest events, pluralization of movement strategy, environment has become one strong sector in civil society.
With these in mind, we disagreed with the some dominant opinions concerning the nature of democratic transition. Basically, the autonomy of civil society has to be reaffirmed, which means that we have to take social movement seriously, rather than reducing it to an epiphenomenon. For its origin, environment movement did not passively reflect the political opening. Its development did not come to an end with the transition period, either. As for the dynamic of regime transition, we hold that collective actors should be given a greater role and mere discussion on transaction between political elites fails to capture the whole story. Looking forward to consolidation in future, civil society will be the linchpin, for plural social forces are constantly modifying what we hold to be democracy.
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