

作者:李逢堅 引用關係
作者(外文):Feng-Chien Lee
主題關鍵詞:中學生網際網路聊天室符號互動secondary school studentinternetchat roomsymbolic interaction
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建議方面,對中學生學校教育的建議:1.資訊素養的培養,2.與人交往的技巧,3..多元化的休閒活動,4.教師應親自使用網路,5.網路使用行為良好習慣的培養,6.多元使用教學管道,7.網路在學習上的運用。對中學生網路使用行為的輔導建議:1.對同學平時的關心與瞭解,2.傾聽多於建議,施以適時的輔導,3.注意交友狀況,4. 指導學生正當的情緒抒發行為,提供多重的抒發管道,5.多與他人接觸,學習人際相處之道,6.建立網路使用行為的責任,7.使用網路自我保護行為的教導。
There are there main purposes of the research:1. To understand the characteristics of behavior of secondary school student using Internet, 2.the characteristics of interaction of secondary school student using chat room, 3.and the relationship of the chat room with learning. The research begins with the information society and information literacy. Then it analyzes the human interaction through Internet from two aspects: the environment and the people in it. The environment started with the human-computer interaction (HCI) , then it is based on the characteristics of cyberspace and further focused on the chat room. The user of the Internet discussed including ''''anonymity'''', ''''virtual community'''' and the ''''youth''''. The research methods include survey, observation and interview.
The research results are found as follows: Most secondary school students using Internet at home at 18:00-21:00, and they have been using Internet for half to three years. The motivation of using Internet to make friends for: 1.making new friends,2. to let go of the loneliness,3. playing around and 4.curiosity etc.
The interaction in chat room takes both language and non-language symbol. For the purpose of ''''speed'''' and to ''''show off'''', youth create and use sub-language in the Internet, it represented a kind of ''''collective intelligence''''. The anonymity is served to protect and conceal the users themselves. But except alias most youth user show their real status in chat room. The people they interact with including both sexes and most are students. Most users think their classmates are more familiar with than net friends, but still others think net friends are easier to talk any secrets without worrying they might tell other people users know around. There are three levels about ritual in the internet: 1.basic principle;2.smooth principle;3.pleasure principle. Every principle and its rules contain are also discussed.
The negative effect of using chat room includes: 1. For students major in computer too early to use Internet may let them disconcentrate on program design, 2. Chatters of chat room always use bad Chinese grammar, 3.When chatting between two courses, the mood will affected even next course begins,4. Users who indulge in it will badly affect their learning. The positive effect of using chat room including: 1.they can use Internet more smoothly, 2. They Have more chances to learn to use e-mail, ICQ etc., 3.they may remember things better for a short period of time
When teaching through chat room, it will help teachers to achieve the aim by noticing following notes: 1.create the easy atmosphere, 2.forming ''''we-us'''' learning community, 3.social constructivism teaching, 4.corporate teaching. 5.the leading role of teacher, 6.absolute power for teacher, 7.limitating the number participators, 8.make best of ''''face value'''', 9.encouraging positive self-expression, 10.arousing collective intelligence, 11. courses begin with chatting. Suggestions for secondary school, for secondary school student and for further study are also described.
第一節 研究動機 7
第二節 研究目的 11
第三節 名詞解釋 13
第四節 研究範圍與限制 14
第五節 研究流程與架構 16
第二章 資訊、教育與網路空間 21
第一節 資訊社會的發展 21
第二節 資訊與教育 28
第三節 電腦中介溝通 41
第四節 網路空間的特性 45
第五節 網路聊天室的特性 48
第六節 本章小結 55
第三章 網路空間的人際互動 58
第一節 網路空間的符號使用與互動 58
第二節 使用者與虛擬社群 71
第三節 網路空間的禮儀 87
第四節 網路聊天室學習空間 94
第五節 本章小結 104
第四章 資料蒐集與方法 107
第一節 調查研究部分 107
第二節 質性研究部分 109
第五章 網路使用行為分析 113
第一節 中學生網路使用的特性 113
第二節 中學生使用聊天室的互動特性。 136
第三節 網路聊天室與學習的關係 175
第六章 結論與建議 200
第一節 結論 200
第二節 建議 205
參考書目 211
附 錄 228
附錄一 訪談大綱(一) 228
附錄二 訪談大綱(二) 229
附錄三 中學生聊天室使用問卷 230
附錄四 台北市少年網路交友行為之研究網路問卷 232
附錄五 表情符號表 239
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