

作者:林麗惠 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin Li-Hui
主題關鍵詞:高齡者高齡者學習參與學習活動生活滿意度elderlyolder adult learningparticipatelearning activitylife satisfaction
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1. 體認參與學習活動的重要,並以積極的態度主動參與,以提高生活滿意度。
2. 將參與學習活動視為老年生活規畫的一部份。
3. 破除意向障礙,主動參與學習活動。
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between participating learning activity and life satisfaction of older adult. The sample for the study consisted of 705 persons. The instrument is “Participating learning activity and life satisfaction of older adult questionnaire”, which contained with good validation and reliability.
Statistical analysis yielded the following results:
1. Life satisfaction of older adult is high.
2. Most of older adult participate learning activity 1-2times a week, 16 hours one month, the participating attitude is active, the participating benefit is good.
3. Most of older adult attend University of elderly, the main reason of non-participation is have no time.
4. The influencing factors of participating learning activity, including: sex, age, education, health situation, and economic situation.
5. The influencing factors of life satisfaction, including: education, marriage, health situation, economic situation and living style.
6. There has positive relationship between participating learning activity and life satisfaction of older adult.
7. Participating learning activity is the best predictor of elder’s life satisfaction.
According to these results, this research proposed suggestions for government, older adult education institute and older adult. Hope these results will be helpful in terms of their implications for older adult learning programs.
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