

作者:趙善如 引用關係
作者(外文):Shan-ru Chao
主題關鍵詞:平衡觀點生活適應老年妻子照顧者balance perspectivelife adjustmentselderly wife caregiver
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本研究是從個人需求、趨力與環境條件之間的平衡觀點出發(balance perspective),以老年妻子照顧者生活適應現象為主體,一方面針對老年妻子照顧者的生活適應現象做一深入的探究,以期全面性與整體性來協助老年妻子照顧者,處理照顧工作所帶來的困擾和問題;另一方面,透過此過程建構平衡觀點的實務處遇模型,累積社會工作知識,促進社會工作專業之發展。
首先,研究者根據老年妻子照顧者個人內在心理、與配偶的互動關係、家庭系統、社會支持以及生活內涵等五個層面,整理相關的平衡理論或觀點,並且進一步的討論,以做為本研究進行的參考。然後,選用研究到理論之策略(research- then- theory),採用了立意抽樣(purposeful sampling)類型中的理論性抽樣(theory-based sampling)和深度抽樣(intensity sampling)策略,選取出16位合適的受訪者。透過面對面的個別深度訪談方式,瞭解與蒐集她們在照顧失能配偶過程中的生活經驗與故事。最後,根據平衡觀點整理與分析訪談資料,發現資料中重要的範疇、向度以及向度之間的交互關係(multiple-interrelationship),進而建構出以老年妻子照顧者生活適應為主的社會工作實務模型。
Using the phenomena of the life adjustments of elderly wife caregivers as the subject, this research, in terms of balance perspective among personal needs, drives and environmental conditions, has further study on this subject, hoping to help elderly wife caregivers cope with trouble and problems resulting from caring work. On the other hand, this research also hopes to, by the above process, construct the practical treatment model of balance perspective, accumulate social work knowledge and promote the development of social work profession.
To begin with, the researcher, based on the five dimensions of elderly wife caregivers such as personal psychology, interactive relations with spouses, family system, social support and life content, organizes related balance theories and view points for further discussion and as the reference of this research. Next, using the “research-then-theory” strategy and the “theory-based sampling” and “intensity sampling” strategies of purposeful sampling types, the researcher selects 16 suitable interviewees. By one-to-one in-depth interviews, the researcher understands and collects their life experiences and stories when those 16 elderly wife caregivers take care their disabled spouses. Finally, the researcher is able to find out important scopes and dimensions, and the multiple-interrelationship among the dimensions by organizing balance perspective and analyzing interview materials. So, the social work practice model focusing on the life adjustments of the elderly wife caregivers then can be constructed.
In order to improve personal life adjustments, individuals or environment or both should be changed to enhance or sustain the balance among personal drives, needs and environmental conditions. This research finds that the five dimensions of the life adjustments of the elderly wife caregivers can be kept balanced through the following mechanism or method:
1.Personal psychology: based on personal present situations, personal psychological balance can be sustained through entrusting themselves to religious beliefs, looking for life meanings, reconstructing rational beliefs or learning to satisfy their needs.
2.Interactive relations with disabled spouses: based on personal needs, the interactive relations between the elderly wife caregivers and their disabled spouses can be kept balanced through developing good marital relations, eliciting positive caring motives from the elderly wife caregivers or guiding disabled spouses to give positive interpersonal feedback.
3.Family system: based on the present situations of the family, the family structure and the family need can be kept in a balanced status through cultivating the supporting ability of adult children sub-system, enhancing the permeability of the boundary between elderly parents sub-system and adult children sub-system, connecting family system and outside environments.
4.Social support: based on the present situations and needs of personal life, individual’s social support dimension can be kept in a balanced status by reducing offered social support burden, strengthening personal competence, constructing resourceful social support network, or lowering standards of personal life needs.
5.Life content: based on the present situations and needs of personal real life, the caring activities and private activities of the elderly wife caregivers can be balanced by eliciting their motives to obtain life content balance, encouraging the family to offer them the support they need, and suggesting them to keep in good health.
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