

主題關鍵詞:家務生產家事工作時間配置時間運用勞動參與內生轉換模型近似無關迴歸分析home production(house work)time allocation(time use)labor participationendogenous switching regression modelseemingly unrelated regression estimationSURE
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衡量經濟在一定期間內之生產活動,進而評估國民之經濟福利,一般多以國民所得來表示。惟國民所得的統計,是最終產品之市場價值。因此,未透過市場交易之自產自用物品及勞務,均沒有涵括在內;其中以家庭主婦提供的家務生產或勞務最為人忽視。隨著Becker及Lancaster「新消費理論」之崛起,以及Nordhaus及Tobin(1973)「經濟福利衡量」(measure of economic welfare, MEW)估計法之提出,家庭部門的生產活動漸漸受到大眾的重視。在美國這樣經濟高度開發之社會,家庭產值約可增加整個市場經濟活動產值的三分之一(Hawrylyshyn,1976);而Gronau(1980)的估計則更高於此。近來,總體經濟學家更注意到在經濟景氣循環中,家務生產與市場生產間之替代性,Benhabib, Rogerson及Wright(1991)因而建議將家務生產函數納入「實質景氣循環模型」(real business cycle model),並視其為總體經濟模型中所遺漏之重要解釋變數。綜上所述,均突顯出家務生產之重要性。
在法律層面上,本(2002)年立法院已三讀通過民法親屬篇之修正,明訂夫妻應對「自由處分金」有所協議,以表彰家務勞動之價值。然而, 臺灣地區家務生產活動向來鮮有嚴謹的估計,導致該法條之執行過程中,並沒有相關家務產值資料供為參考。因此,本研究之主要目的,在於建構臺灣地區家庭部門有偶婦女時間配置及家務生產之估計模型,利用行政院主計處民國八十九年七月「人力資源調查」及附帶專案「婦女婚育與就業調查」的原始資料檔,以10,518名已婚婦女為對象,驗証決定有偶婦女從事勞動參與、家務生產、與休閒活動的影響因素,以及估計婦女家務之生產力與產值。
本研究主要分為三大部分:(一)在勞動參與決策部分,特別強調婦女勞動參與行為所造成的樣本選擇性問題,以Heckman二階段估計法,來修正樣本的選擇性偏誤;(二)在時間配置決策部分,採勞動供給內生化架構,利用「內生轉換模型」(endogenous switching regression model),將勞動參與決策納入時間配置函數中估計;並考慮不同型態的時間分配之間存在著相關關係,以「近似無關之迴歸分析法」(seemingly unrelated regression estimation;簡稱SURE),分別估計有偶婦女之家務工時、休閒時間以及市場工作時間等三種時間配置行為;(三)在家務產值部分,採用Gronau(1980)的理論模型,估計臺灣地區婦女家務之生產力及產值,俾初步地勾勒出臺灣地區家務生產之輪廓,充實我國估計MEW之範疇,並供為未來家事法庭審理「自由處分金」之參用。
Generally, the production result of the economic society and the evaluation of citizen''s economic welfare in a certain period are always measured by the Gross National Product (GNP). However, the GNP is the market value of the final product; all of those self-producing, self-use articles as well as services not passing through the market mechanism are not included. The most obvious case is the household chores provided by housewives. Due to popularity of the "new consumption theory" propounded by Becker and Lancaster and the "measure of economic welfare ( MEW )" reckoned by Nordhaus and Tobin (1973), the home production of the household sector is becoming more important to the public. For example, in a well-developed country like the United States, Hawrylyshyn found out that the value of home production accounts for about 1/3 of GNP (1976); and the Gronau’s reckoning (1980) is even much higher. Recently, the macroeconomist also notices its importance of the replacement of market production in the business cycle. Benhabib, Rogerson and Wright(1991), instead, suggested treating the home production as a missing variable in all kind of macroeconomic models and put the home production function into the estimation of real business cycle model .
The research on home production of household sector in Taiwan is rarely seen. In the year 2002, the Legislative Yuan passed a Civil Law Amendment tackling this matter. It clearly stipulates that couples should consult each other on the "money at house worker’s disposal ", and highlights value of the household chores labor. This thesis aims to establish an estimation model for time allocation and home production in Taiwan. The thesis refers to the original data of "Manpower survey "and "Women’s Marriage, Fertility and Employment Survey" conducted by Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics(DGBAS)in July 2000, selects 10,518 samples of married women to examine the variables affecting married women’s labor participation, household chores capacity and leisure activities, and also to estimate the productivity and the value of home production.
This research will be divided into three parts: ( 1 ) labor participation estimation: to highlight the sample selection bias which caused by married women’s self selection arising from the labor participation decision, and apply Heckman’s two-stages estimation procedure to correction.(2)time allocation estimation: to take into account of married women’s self selection on labor participation, and apply the "endogenous switching regression model" to estimating the time allocation function. Besides, to take into account of the correlation among married women’s three different kinds of time allocation , and apply the "seemingly unrelated regression estimation ( SURE )" to jointly estimating married women’s working hours on house work, leisure activity and market hours of labor. (3)home production estimation: apply Gronau’s model (1980) to estimating the productivity and the value of home production in Taiwan area, hence outlining the married women’s household chores production in Taiwan area, enriching the estimation of our country MEW, and providing reference to family court hearing of the " money at house worker’s disposal " cases.
The research found out that the median value of married women’s home production in Taiwan area is about NT$ 51,000 which accounts for around 63.99% of the average family monthly income. This percentage is similar to the result found in the United States — about 60% of the pre-tax average family monthly income and 70% of the after-tax average family monthly income, which is identified by Gronau (1980). In addition, the enlarged parameter of the original survey data from DGBAS and the "ratio estimation method" are also applied in this research, it is found that the total amount of married women’s home production in Taiwan area is about NT$ 4.825 trillion which accounts for about 49.21% of GNP(the product value via market exchange mechanism is NT$ 9.803 trillion in 2000). This proportion is just in the middle of Hawrylyshyn’s reckoning (1976) of the home production value, which accounts for about 1/3 of GNP of the United States, and about 50-60﹪of GNP of developing countries.
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