

作者(外文):Ming-Chang Chen
主題關鍵詞:全球運籌運籌策略目標運籌作業型態因素分析集群分析global logistics strategystrategic objectivesoperational patternsfactor analysiscluster analysis
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The purpose of this study is to explore the essence of global logistics strategy. Firstly, an analytic framework, including strategic logistics objectives and logistics operational patterns, was constructed. Secondly, the dimensions of strategic logistics objectives and logistics operational patterns were identified by factor analysis technique, and then global logistics strategy could be operationalized. Thirdly, the strategic objective groups and operational pattern groups were further categorized by cluster analysis technique. Finally, the chi-square test and one way ANOVA were employed to verify the relationship between global logistics strategy and four basic firm characteristics.
The major findings of this paper include the followings: (1) There are three dimensions identified in strategic logistics objectives, they are supply stability and cost down, coordination and integration, and efficient consumer response. (2) There are two dimensions identified in logistics operational patterns, they are supply chain coordination and resource acquisition and deployment. (3) By cluster analysis, the sample firms are categorized into two groups according to their factor scores on strategic objectives dimensions. (4) The sample firms are also categorized into four groups according to their factor scores on operational patterns dimensions. (5) Four global logistics models are concluded by cross analysis of strategic logistics objectives and logistics operational patterns. (6) Seven hypotheses about the relationship between global logistics strategy and firm characteristics are verified by chi-square test and one way ANOVA.
This study provides a useful analytical framework for global logistics strategy, under which strategic objectives and operational patterns could be observed and measured. It is expected that more critical logistics issues could be further explored by scientific methods based on the findings of this paper.
Keywords: global logistics strategy, strategic objectives, operational patterns, factor analysis, cluster analysis

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