

作者:陳斐虹 引用關係
作者(外文):Feei-Hung Chen
主題關鍵詞:老年夫妻婚姻關係配對研究elder couplemarital relationshipspair research
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The purposes of the research were to analyze the marital experiences in later life, including their interaction and development of relationships between elder couples. Five couples were invited who were over 65 years old, and have married over 40 years. In this study, we explored each couple’s marital experience, and analyze their interaction, the result focus on (1) marital experience in their life, (2) interaction of relationships between husband and wife, (3) sexual relationship and attitude toward children education , (4) marital experiences in later life, and (5) their perspective on marriage.
The begun relationship of a husband and a wife was introduced by their parents or matchmaker in our study, their parents concerned social position, family status, personal background to each other, the purpose of marriage for husband or wife is matched the traditional idea that have a son to carry their family name. The marriage experience and family status from the traditional idea showed special native country features, including the following (1) the impact of life styles form the father-son relationship-dominated- family to the husband-wife relationship-dominated family, (2) the change of marital relationship, (3) sexual taboo, (4)extra-marital affair of the husband can be forgot, (5) the family of origin became to wife’s backup force, and (6) sigh with feeling for the environment’s change. All of the results let us understood the later life more and more.
The marital relationship change was one key point in our study, we fond the couples’ relationship may fit in one of the following styles:(1) U-curved distribution of marital relationship’s satisfactions, (2) the process of marriage experience were smoothly, and (3) there were some pressure for the couples in a few years after marriage, couples can not adapt the status, or feel pressure about marital relationship, part of couples can suit the relationship till mid-stage of marriage, but part of interviewer were maladjusted.
Gender differences also can be seen in this study, including (1) husbands were grateful for their wives more than wives to their husbands, (2) wives usual want to change the marital relationship, but husband are passive resistance, (3) husbands will select the marital relationship if they can choice again, but wives will select the relationship very carefully, (4) the meaning of marriage for couples, husbands tend to depend on relationship, wives tend to development self.
Finally, the results we discussed and suggestions were made for future research, theory development and counseling for practice.
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