

作者(外文):Cheng-Liaou Chen
主題關鍵詞:功能衡量公平衡量人際顯著資訊整合理論不公平模式Functional MeasurementFairness MeasurementAveraging ModelIITInterpersonal SalienceUnfairness Model
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多元民主社會不良建構政策經常出現的這種「公平衡量」問題,需要採取一種全面觀點(holistic)的方法論,將「多元觀點」引進政策問題情境,藉以對政策問題本質(價值)進行界定、解構、分析,進而將政策有形客觀事實與無形主觀價值有效整合,始能進行客觀的衡量,達到公平目的(Ostrom, 1990: 115 ; Farkas, 1991: 81; Dunn, 2004: 213;丘昌泰,2001:78;孫本初,2002:31)。
It often appears some cognitive conflicts among the citizens’ when evaluating the policy outcomes performance about Dengue fever prevention, since existed some characteristics in the input and outcome dimension, it include multi-involvers, multi-goals, multi-values and subjective judgement(Wang Ming-Shen and Chen Cheng-Liaou, 2004: 11).
We taked the unfairness measurement approach of the Information Integration Theory (IIT) to explore the policy outcome performance about Dengue fever prevention. In this way, we constructed an algebraic model, namely “Dengue Fever Basic Unfairness Measurement Model,” with accrute empirical test and validity criteria. According to the way of the factorial graph patterns and statistical interaction test of the model, we may analyze and collect these multiple information of policy outcomes(Farkas, 1991: 61 ; Anderson, 1996: 33).
We obtained some important findings, include:
1.The citizen integrated the information of Dengue fever prevention outcomes by ‘averging’ model, the experimental data support the mode and it had important policy implications.
2.The effort(implicit factor) of the governer’s devoted to prevention tasks was more than the budget expendures(explicit factor) was the most important factor of outcome performance evaluation, and this had important cognitive implication.
3.According to the differences of the information qulity from the Dengue fever prevention, there was an interpersonal salience about the evaluation of the policy outcome performance.
4.It showed that highly corelation between the habitant’s life modes and the prevention outcomes performance, this implied that the implicit social meaning of Dengue fever prevention were interpersonal interaction.
5.The citizen’s perception of the unfairness measurement for the policy outcome performance of Dengue fever prevention were not satisfaction and sensitive to the interpersonal unfairness situation.
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