

作者:陳建州 引用關係
作者(外文):Jian-Jhou Chen
主題關鍵詞:平等化 分殊化 垂直區隔 水平區隔 教育取得 教育轉換 教育分流 門檻假說 不平等最大維持論 不平等有效維持論 學類 EqualizationSeparationVertical SegregationHorizontal SegregationEducational AttainmentEducational TransitionEducatio
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我們分別以三個議題開展上述三個主要研究方向。首先,我們建立一個性別差異演變的基本模型,並以民國79~90年各期台灣社會變遷調查分析我國自民國40年至80年之間,兩性在取得高中與大專方面的差異之演變情形,以驗證門檻假說(the threshold hypothesis)所主張的非單調直線性演進過程的觀點;再以教育部統計資料分析我國自民國55~93年之間,男女參與碩士與博士教育的差異情形,以觀察生命週期因素的影響力變化情形。其次,我們同樣以民國79~90年各期台灣社會變遷調查分析民國22~68年出生者,在教育轉換與教育分流上的性別差異演變情形,並與不均等最大維持論(maximally maintained inequality,MMI)以及不均等有效維持論(effectively maintained inequality,EMI)作比較,藉以區辨「性別」與「社經階級」對於教育成就的意義之差異。最後,我們以教育部所公佈的民國61~92年大專學生數,分析我國高等教育之科系性別區隔程度長時期演變情形,並檢視影響科系性別化之因素。
The degree of gender differentiation is an index representing the level of social development and has been an important issue for sociological research. In this dissertation, I discuss the patterns and processes of gender inequality in education. Basically, the objectives of this dissertation include: (1) to describe the pattern of the changing in gender educational differentiation on vertical segregation and horizontal segregation after the World War II in Taiwan; (2) to compare and contrast the effects of gender and socio-economic status on education; and (3) to analyze the impacts of structural and educational development on the equalization and separation of gender educational differentiation.
In operationalization, first of all, after reviewing the studies on gender inequality in education, I extend Hwang’s (1992) structural change model to build a new one for explaining how the key factors are affected by economical development and educational expansion. I use 1990-2001 “The Social Change Survey in Taiwan” data and 1966-2004 “The Educational Statistics of Higher Education” data to estimate the gender effect on attaining a senior high school and a college from 1951 to 1991, and on attaining master degree and doctor degree from 1966~2004. Secondly, I use 1990-2001 “The Social Change Survey in Taiwan” data as well to observe the gender gaps of educational transition and tracking with five cohorts to compare the maximally maintained inequality hypothesis (MMI) with the effectively maintained inequality hypothesis (EMI) to distinguish the differences between the effects of gender and socio-economic status on education. Thirdly, I use 1972-2003 “The Educational Statistics of Higher Education” data to compute the index of dissimilarity of study fields between genders from 1972 to 2003 and estimate the effects of the key factors.
According to my data, we may conclude that the pattern of the gender educational differentiation in Taiwan has been switched “unequal and separate” to “equal but separate.” Other main findings are: (1) the equalization process of education attainment between genders is not a linear relationship with economical development, but rather ladder-like, and is consistent with the assumption of Threshold Hypothesis. (2) The effect of gender on education is quite different from that of socio-economic status for both educational transition (MMI) and tracking (EMI). However, the gender gaps of educational transition and tracking are both declining in the long run. (3) The fields of study are still separated by gender significantly and the most important factor is the configuration of departments of higher education. Specially, the indexes of dissimilarity for colleges are higher than universities, and for vocational universities are higher than for academic universities.
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