

主題關鍵詞:隱喻詮釋現象學網路即時文字諮商網路諮商metaphorhermeneutic phenomenologyreal-time cyber-counselingInetrnet counseling
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 本研究透過網路即時文字之諮商,探究隱喻「何以能夠」催化個案的改變,亦即探究隱喻催化個案改變的基礎/條件。本研究採取詮釋現象學的視框,以置身所在詮釋分析的步驟來解析隱喻出現於網路諮商中的逐字稿。研究結果指出隱喻是以既有的經驗來轉化或影響個案的受困經驗,進而催化出個案的改變;並提示出三種隱喻催化個案改變的基礎,分別是:隱喻將困境還原為困境及其背景脈絡、隱喻將困境還原為困境及其看到資源或賦能的背景脈絡、隱喻將困境還原為困境及看到解決方法或擴充可能性的背景脈絡。至於這三種基礎之所以能夠催化個案改變,其原因即在它們能促發心理位移的功效;即隱喻能促使個案同時意識到「受困經驗」與「隱喻經驗的種種內涵」,當個案拉出距離觀看並覺察到二者的相似性時,困境的出路也被覺察出來。最後,根據研究發現,提出對諮商專業以及未來研究之建議。
The purpose of the study was to explore how metaphors facilitate the changing process of clients through real-time cyber-counseling. That is to say the research intends to reveal the foundations/conditions of metaphors catalyzing the changes of clients. The study adopted the viewpoint of hermeneutic phenomenology, and adopted its analysis of situatedness to examine the cyber-counseling dialogue records with the issues of metaphor. As a result, the change of metaphorical catalysis clients concluded by the study includes: using the existing experience to transform or influence the trapped experience and revealing the foundation of three types of metaphorical catalysis clients which are respectively to give a metaphor to undo the trapped deadlock to be deadlock + background context, give a metaphor to undo the trapped deadlock to be the deadlock + the background context with visible resources or empowerment, and give a metaphor to undo the trapped deadlock to be the deadlock + the background context with visible resolution or expansion possibility. This study also analyzes and identifies that the psychological displacement effect the metaphor triggers is the cause for the three types of metaphorical foundation to catalyze the change of the clients, which is that metaphor can trigger the clients into the consciousness of the “ trapped experience” and “various kinds of content in the metaphorical experience”. When looking into them at a distance and detecting their similarity, the way out of deadlock can also be identified. In the end, according to the findings of the study, recommendations will be proposed as a reference for consultation and future research.

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