

作者:廖紫均 引用關係
作者(外文):zu-chun Liao
主題關鍵詞:地方認同在地化創新的傳統再生產的儀式古蹟地方美食local identitylocalizationreinvented traditionreproduced ritualshistorical landmarkslocal cuisine
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This study is to understand the formation of Lukang’s local identity under the power of the state and the influence of cultural tourism in a globalized context. Also, this study tries to understand how Lukang people express their own identity through the reproduction of the local cultural tradition. In the study, Lukang’s local identity is defined by its locality with a sense of unique belonging that emphasizes upon local tradition. In other words, this study tries explore the nature of Lukang’s local identity and its related cultural factors under the power of the state and the force of globalization.
The author suggests that the present Lukang’s local identity can be studied in three major cultural domains: religious rituals, historical landmarks and local cuisines that are all tuned up under the globalized context of cultural tourism. They are re-invented from local past history and mixed with the modern factors.
Lukang is a religious town with many neighborhood temples (Chia-tou-miao). As a matter of fact, Chia-tou becomes the center of daily life. With the influence of modernization and the change of the structure of population, the role of folk religion in Chia-tou has gradually declined over time. New types of Chia-tou have emerged. Yet, interest conflicts from cultural tourism and state localization policy cause the disagreements among different Chia-tous.
Lukang people put efforts upon restoring their old glories. Their main interest is not only to reconstruct the past history, but also to gain resources for their own Chia-tou. The development of local tourism has attracted massive outside resources from state due to Lukang’s unique cultural image originated from its role in Taiwan’s frontier history. Therefore, each Chai-tou competes to emphasize upon their own tradition as cultural capital to acquire outside resources. Nevertheless, Chia-tou’s competition for resources has not only transformed some of the regional Chia-tou’s into others, but have also widen up the divisions among them.
In short, the present Lukang’s local identity is threatened by the competition for resources among different Chiao-tous. It is also interwoven with Lukang’s past prosperous history through the Chin Dynasty and its decline from the late Chin Dynasty to the 1970’s before the introduction of tourism.

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