

作者:徐孟弘 引用關係
作者(外文):Menq-hong Shyu
主題關鍵詞:教師生活宗教信仰具宗教信仰教師敘述研究Teacher with religious beliefReligious belief
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The participants of this study were three elementary school teachers with religious belief. A narrative method was taken when the teachers were interviewed.The purposes of this study were as the followings: (1) To understand the processes of the interviewees’ accepting their religious belief, (2) To understand how religious belief affected the teachers’ recognition, emotions, and behaviors in their daily lives,(3) To understand how interviewees interpreted their changes resulted from their religious belief, (4) To understand the modes of religious belief affecting interviewees''life styles.
There were four main findings. First, religious relief had positive effects on teachers’ emotion and satisfied their spiritual demands. It made teachers keep happy moods when teaching. Second, as for the change of recognition, religious belief made the teachers set up new life goals. Religious belief connected with personal life and teaching, and integrated their cognition systems. Third, as for the change of teachers’ behaviors, religious belief persuaded teachers to follow the bible and regulations, and to practice them in the teaching processes. Fourth, religious belief changed the teachers by helping them build up a life mode of religious belief which integrated the teachers''daily lives and teaching experiences
There were four important implications in the findings. First,the one who had religious relief had some clues to track in their life context. Religious belief turned a person into a complete person by the operation of belief thinking. Second, religions had positive functions of stabilizing people’s emotion and adjusting behaviors.Building personal mode of religious life can help people have better life adjustment.Third, The religious belief can be transformed into behaviors of religious connotation which affected teachers''teaching in the classrooms. Fourth, with the process of building up context, the interviewees can had better understanding of their religious tracks, the meaning of the changes resulting from their religions, and then cherished their religions more deeply than before.
Based on the research findings, three suggestions for the future studies and two suggestions about the teaching were provided.
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