

作者:李柏諭 引用關係
作者(外文):Po-Yu Lee
主題關鍵詞:跨域治理公私協力社區主義非營利組織社區大學public-private partnershipacross boundary governancecommunitarianismnon-profit organizationcommunity university
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近年來,我國社區大學 (community university) 的興起源自於民間教改人士的倡議與社區意識的覺醒,並呈現出另一種「由下而上」、「擴大參與」的治理模式,由政府以及經營社區大學的民間非營利組織形成一個獨特「公私協力關係」 (public-private partnership) ,共同傳送教育發展所需之公共服務,可謂符合「新公共管理」理論主張。因此,本文依據「跨域治理」(across boundary governance) 所強調公私協力的合產 (co-production) 模式,以社區大學經驗案例為依變項,分析政府與社區大學所形成的「公私夥伴關係」途徑檢視社區大學對於跨域性終身教育學習的「公共服務輸送」 (public service delivery) 弁遄C另一方面,本文嘗試以社區大學為自變項檢視其在治理上所扮演的角色。當社區大學成立後本身所具有之弁鉬P使命即彰顯「跨域治理」的另一模式---「社區主義」 (communitarianism) 。此一論題涉及社區大學的核心概念---「社區」 (community) ,從微觀層面的空間社區,到中觀層面的主體社區,最終至宏觀層面的權力向度社區,充分展現社區大學自身在「社區治理」的多層次意涵。本文期盼以社區大學為「地方治理」的最小分析單位,亦或起始點,從而發揮正「外部效果」逐漸向外擴溢到其他社區、其他學校、甚至全國各地,最終達成「公民社會」的理念。
New Public Management (NPM) enhances that the formation of public-private is helpful for enhancing governmental capabilities. Studies in the field of public administration in twenty-first century have shifted from “government paradigm” to emerging “governance paradigm.” It is clear that cooperation between government and society and their new interactions have become a new research frontier of public administration. This paper based on governance paradigm emphasizes on the partnership between governments and non-profit organizations (NPO) that co-produce public services. Recently, the rapid development of the community university movement in Taiwan indicate that government and community university have formed a partnership which have successfully achieving public service delivery, the informal education of lifelong learning. There have about 72 community universities and over 70,000 students from 1998 to now, that are still increasing. This is due to public-private partnership and co-production to create so-called Taiwan education miracle regarding public service delivery of lifelong learning. On the other hand, after establishing community university this paper will further discuss its role in playing self-governance. The core of community university is on significance of its community. The practice studying to the function of community universities including to description, goal, mission, and vision points another governance paradigm, communitarian governance.

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