

作者:黃永成 引用關係
作者(外文):Yung-Cheng Huang
主題關鍵詞:現金減資彌補虧損減資市場微結構流動性波動性效率性買賣價差非平衡買賣單累計平均異常報酬Cumulative Average Abnormal ReturnOrder ImbalanceBid-Ask SpreadCapital ReductionMarket MicrostructureLiquidityVolatilityMarket Efficiency
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This study is to investigate the market reactions to the announcement of capital reduction event based on the intra-day trade data from July 2002 to June 2007. Our empirical studies include the following two parts. First, it addresses the influence of the declaring period of capital reduction event on market microstructure. The second part concerns the relationship of the bid-ask spread, abnormal trading volume and the cumulative average abnormal return during the declaring period of capital reduction event.
In the part one, the empirical results can prove: After the declaration of capital reduction the liquidity significantly becomes better. Regarding the aspect of price volatility, after the declaration of capital reduction the price volatility significantly increases. About the market efficiency, the empirical results indicate two inferences. One is to respond to the positive information with high efficiency. On the contrary, it behaves inefficiently with respect to negative information. Another one is the Taiwan’s stock market is still characterized by not being sufficiently efficient.
In the second part, the empirical results is the post announcement of Company Act capital reduction event to be decreases the bid-ask spread and increases cumulative abnormal non-balanced volume, cumulative abnormal trading volume. The reducing capital with case, it have a positive cumulative abnormal return. But the reducing capita reason is an offset to cumulative loss, it have a negative cumulative abnormal return.
It is noted that, from the empirical results of simultaneous equations, for either TESC or OTC companies, when a firm declares it starts capital reduction, the event period influences the bid-ask spread, cumulative abnormal non-balanced volume, cumulative abnormal trading volume and cumulative abnormal stock return. Three of them also have significant effect of firm size.
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