

作者:童伊迪 引用關係
作者(外文):Yi-Ti Tung
主題關鍵詞:互助原住民部落社區發展永續發展Indigenous、 Tribe、Mutuality、Self-Help、Community development、Sustainable development
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Mutual aid involves indigenous tribe development, which reciprocity between people. What distinguishes these activities from other forms of social organization is that they are carried out directly by people in the tribe. Mutuality approach can be a way to cope with the dilemma in indigenous tribe during the tribe development, which is avoid relying on any sponsor.
To be independent is the common goal of indigenous tribe in Taiwan, they have the mutual aid and sharing lifestyle of traditional culture for ages. However, the mutuality was decade by the factors of state policy、social change、road building and religion alter. Moreover, mutuality has been recovered by tribe conscience、finding natural resource、protect the land right and outsider organization leading.. The dynamic of tribe development is tribe conscience、people participate and collective decision making,. Otherwise, tribe development has influenced the culture sustainable, and increase the confident、dignity of indigenous. As can been seen, the factors of state、religion and road building are dual impact the mutual aid activity in the tribe.
The findings of studying are people involved by division labor to improve the economic、living situation, and quality of life in indigenous tribe. They draw directly on people's own labor power, skills and knowledge. As well as providing direct solutions for communities to problems that they perceive the state as unable or unwilling to resolve, mutual aid and self-help also offer solutions to policy makers. In the face of rising demands on the welfare budget they have the potential to take the load off formal caring systems. They can also be seen as a counterbalance to an apparent breakdown in social cohesion and as a way of establishing moral and social responsibilities eroded both by dependency on the state and by the individualism of the market. In addition, they have the ability to cushion the impact of poverty and give those who have fallen to the margins of the labor market a step back into the mainstream.
The studying conclude three model of tribe development with mutuality:integration of state resource、transformation of natural resource、capacity building of local resource, which are analysis by adapting resource、strategy and benefit of tribe. Finally, according to the studying has suggested to state and tribe, as well as reflecting the theory about the indigenous tribe development。
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