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本研究旨在探討高職學生多元智慧、學習風格、學習動機及學習策略對學習成效之相關與影響。為達成研究目的,除探討國內外相關文獻,以建立本研究的理論基礎外,本研究乃以全國高職三年級學生為母群體,採分層隨機叢集抽樣,共抽出31所公、私立高職三年級學生為樣本,以做為本研究實證研究之調查對象。共發出問卷2,474份,有效回收問卷2,128份,有效回收率91%。問卷回收後,並以次數分配、百分比、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、點二系列相關、Pearson積差相關、路徑分析等統計方法,進行資料統計與檢定,最後根據資料分析結果與文獻探討之所得,提出研究結論及建議,以做為高職學校教師教學及後續研究者之參考。
This research explores the interplay among multiple intelligence, learning styles, learning motivations, and learning strategies toward learning effectiveness for vocational high school students. The researcher has reviewed related literature and has constructed a theoretical framework for the study. In the process of obtaining experimental data, the subjects involved in the study were selected by the stratified cluster sampling method. Thirty-one vocational high schools were selected, and 2,474 participants were included in the field investigation. After careful evaluation, 2,128 of the total 2,474 questionnaires were responded; that is, the available returned rate was 91%. The data were analyzed to test the hypothesis by using statistical procedures: frequency distribution, percentage, t-test, one-way ANOVA, point biserial correlations, Pearson product moment correlations, and path analysis statistical methods. It was expected that the result could be used as practical implications for promoting the instructional effectiveness of vocational high school teachers.
The conclusions of this research are listed as follows:
1.Math-logical intelligence performance of vocational high school boy students are significantly higher than that of girl students, and the linguistic intelligence performance of vocational high school girl students are significantly higher than boy students’ performance.
2.Linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence performance of public vocational high school students or students from families of high social-economical status are significantly higher than that of private or students from families of low social-economical status.
3.Math-logical intelligence performance of vocational high school industrial program students are significantly higher than that of linguistic program students, and linguistic intelligence performance of linguistic program students are significantly higher than industrial program student’s performance.
4.Vocational high school boy students are significantly more active and sensational in learning styles than girl students, while vocational high school girl students are significantly more reflective and intuitive in leaning styles than boy students.
5.There are more sequential learners among public vocational high school students than among private vocational high school students.
6.Vocational high school girl students show more value judgments and emotional concerns than boy students in their leaning motivations.
7.Vocational high school students from families of high social-economical status show more expectancy components than those from families of low social-economical status.
8.Vocational high school students in northern, central and eastern parts of Taiwan show more value judgments and emotional concerns in their learning motivations than those in southern Taiwan.
9.Vocational high school girl students, public high school students and vocational high school students in central Taiwan perform significantly better in their cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies and resource management strategies than vocational high school boy students, and private vocational high school students as well as vocational high school students in Southern Taiwan.
10.Vocational high school students from families of high social-economical status utilize metacognitive strategies more frequently, while those from families of low social-economical status utilize cognitive strategies more often.
11.Vocational high school students’ intrapersonal intelligence of multiple intelligences is significantly correlated with judgment components and expectancy components involved in learning motivations.
12.Vocational high school students’ linguistic and musical intelligence of multiple intelligences are significantly correlated with cognitive strategies in learning motivations, while musical intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence of multiple intelligences are moderately correlated with resource management strategies in learning motivations.
13.Learning effectiveness can be predicted by studying multiple intelligences and learning strategies of vocational high school students.
According to the results described above, the research hereby provides the following recommendations for the promotion of learning effectiveness in vocational high schools and related further studies.
1.Adequate career planning should be provided based on the difference of multiple intelligences between vocational high school boy and girl students.
2.Basic learning competency of private vocational high school students should be reinforced to increase their learning effectiveness.
3.Intrapersonal intelligence of vocational high school students should be further cultivated to upgrade their learning motivation.
4.Learning skills of students from families of low social-economical status should be sharpened to raise their learning effectiveness.
5.Learning styles of vocational high school students should be taking into consideration so as to provide proper learning surroundings for individual students.
6.Students should be enlightened to understand the value and future development of attending vocational high schools and to meet their learning satisfaction.
7.The cause of low learning motivation of some vocational high school students should be probed into so as to work out some remediable strategies.
8.Vocational high school boy students as well as private vocational high school students should be given some available learning strategies to raise their learning satisfaction.
9.Multiple instructional strategies should be exploited to promote the learning results of vocation high school students.
10.Teaching and practical apparatus of vocational high schools should replenished to raise learning effectiveness.
11.Learning ineffectiveness in vocational high schools of southern Taiwan should be examined and discussed to work out adequate effective measures.
Key words: Multiple Intelligence, Learning Style, Learning Motivation, Learning Strategy, Learning Effectiveness
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1. 素養導向教學對國中生之地理科的學習成效、動機與多元文化素養之影響
2. 以混合方法探討心流經驗的中介效果對技術型高中學生專業英文詞彙競賽學習動機與學習成效之影響
3. 多元模態自主學習素材融入美國一大學中文課堂之漢字學習成效研究
4. 五專學生知覺學習動機、學習策略與自我導向學習成效關係之研究--以彈性學習課程為例
5. ARCS動機模式及專題導向學習應用於社會心理學通識課程及學生學習動機與學習成效之探討
6. 多元教學模式之設計--以經濟學課程為例
7. 大學劇本寫作課程融入遊戲化視訊會議Gather Town之研究:學習動機及個人、團隊寫作成效
8. The Learning Experiences of College Students' Participation in Design Thinking Courses: Questionnaire Development and Analysis of Differences in Learning Styles and Gender
9. 探究ARCS動機模式結合「配對合作學習」與「實作範例學習」對學習者學習動機與成效之影響
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12. 分組合作學習對大專生之學習動機與學習成效之影響--以電路學課程為例
13. 電子白板的教學應用對臺南市國小高年級學生學習態度、學習動機及學習成效之研究
14. 自主學習策略融入國小五年級數學領域提升學生學習動機及成效之行動研究
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