

作者:林曉君 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsiao-chun Lin
主題關鍵詞:非營利組織領導者領導歷程轉化學習慈濟non-profit organizationleadersleadership journeytransformative learningTzu Chi
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The purpose of this study is to realize the leadership journey and experience of non-profit organization’s leaders, to explore the phenomenon and the factors of transformative learning, and to construct an initial model of transformative learning for no n-profit organization’s leaders.
The research subject is in the context of Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation. Besides the participating observation, in-depth interviews with six domestic and overseas leaders were also involved.
Qualitative research method is adapted in this study. The data collected via interview was transcribed word by word. From the transcripts of the interviews, we developed concepts, underwent category analyses and combined scenario analyses. The researcher made conclusions form the following four categories:
I. It contains the spirit and objectives of internal cultivation and external bahaviors within the “concentric operations of four-in-one” in Tzu Chi Foundation.
II. The contents in the phenomenon of transformative learning for Tzu Chi leaders include the change of personal value, group consciousness and actions.
III The trigger events to facilitate transformative learning includes scenario factors and the support from organizational culture.
IV. Transformative learning reflected its effects on each stage in the leadership journey, including belief triggered by scenario, organizational identification, commitment, and undertaking missions.
Finally, a reflective transformation model is provided to explain the interaction between individual and group transformative learning and how to transform from conviction to mission undertaking in non-profit organizations.
According to the above conclusions, the study makes some suggestions for charity foundations and Tzu Chi foundation. Finally, directions for future research are suggested.
Keywords: non-profit organization, leaders, leadership journey, transformative learning, Tzu Chi
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