

作者(外文):Hsu, Chia-lung
主題關鍵詞:政治意識形態國家轉型經濟發展策略political ideologystate transformationeconomic development strategies
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There was a strong connection between economic development and state intervention in both Taiwan and South Korea before the transformation in late 1980s. However the economic development also led to the transformation of economic liberalization and political democratization. Do the states after transformation still play a leading role in the process of economic development in the two countries? If so, what strategies do the states adopt to accommodate them into the surrounding environment and implement their economic development? Even though both countries are identified as developmental states, still, there are differences in the paths of two countries. Therefore it’s believed that there must be some fundamental political ideologies dominating the formation of economic development strategies.
The main purpose of this dissertation is to examine how political ideologies influence the strategies in response to the external environment in the process of economic development and transformation. By examining the strategies adopted by the two countries in different periods, this dissertation expects to figure out how political ideologies influence the formation of national economic development strategies, and how the relations change between the political ideologies and economic development strategies before and after the transformation.
The empirical research shows that political ideologies are not only inherited from traditional cultures, but are also shaped by the structural changes of economic liberalization and political democratization. Therefore the influence of political ideologies on the economic development strategies vary from model to model such as “authoritarianism and state intervention”, “democratization and market mechanism” and “democratization and state intervention”. The strategies adopted by the two countries are also deeply influenced by each country’s political ideology and vary in the dimensions of industrial structures, financial management, international trade, and technology researches, and these therefore create different features of economic development.
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