

作者:謝琦強 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsieh Chi Chiang
主題關鍵詞:容積移轉制度經濟空間外部性交易成本Transferable Development Rights (TDR)Institutional EconomicsSpatial ExternalityTransaction Cost
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Improvement of urban development and society environment, that counts on good integration of policy planning, institution establishment and management. The increasing application of TDR all over Taiwan recently however system differs from western countries for instance the lack of clear rules for designating receiving areas. As market tendency that towards more concentrated location therefore services quality become worsened for instance transportations, land uses and public facilities in central areas among growing cities of Taiwan. Observations successively listed as key emphases during “Conference of Sustaining Taiwan’s Economic Development by , Executive Yuan, 2006” and “National Conference on Urban Planning, Urban Design & Building Administration, Minister of Interior, 2008”. Besides, with creation of divisibility and tradability of land development rights, a new submarket derived for developers’ purpose to acquire additional floor areas through the donation of reserved lands for public facility to governments. With above reasons of necessity to promote institutional innovation, this empirical study aims to contribute a framework of appropriate analytical structure of Taiwan in terms of TDR and mechanism evolution.
By adoption of the mixed research methods, key objectives are spatial externality and cost-led transaction of Institutional Economics. Taichung City, case study of this research as most representative sample of Taiwan, the first dimension of spatial externality starts on location characteristic analysis of TDR receiving area via questionnaire surveys with developers, descriptive statistics and location map analysis. The group interviews with industrial, official and academic sectors, as well as the questionnaire analysis. Factors of location, current carrying capacity and spatial-related variables afterward are selected. Total samples are approved receiving sites of TDR in Taichung City, and measures of geographical information system, operational analysis are applied for factorial analysis (Principle component analysis & Cluster analysis) in order to probe into interpretation of locality characteristic and spatial distribution. Later part is semi-structure interviews for current externality problems review in relation to spatial structure in city level, TDR receiving areas and urban development policies. Second dimension, the cost-led transaction undertook by surveys of on-the-job employees in related-field specialists and semi-structure interviews, then to conduct cost comparison analysis during whole transaction process.
Conclusions through analytic network process, dimension of spatial externality are: “The disorder between overall urban development quotas and growth management”, “The lack of provisions of market incentive in guiding the development to suitable location”, “The lack of information circulation & compensation mechanism of receiving area”, “Necessity of polices integration for guiding to a reasonable pattern of urban spatial structure”. Conclusions on dimension of transaction cost are:“To loosen threshold restriction of development cost and information circulation”,“To extend the development alternatives in order to improve products competiveness”,“Impact of development permit and supporting mechanisms”,“Enhancement of site planning and risk management of receiving areas”. Indication after the comparison of economic evaluation, though importance of “Establishment of effective monitoring and alarm system” are identified with both policy makers & followers, in past the public sector yet not devoted actively in human resource, budget and technique development. Another suggestion is the insignificant progress due to complicated law structure for instance of “Suggestion of untie the management for widening development flexibility”, “Law amendment be brought into open for maintaining the development incentives”. In all, both public and private have cooperatively to cope with aforementioned crises which now causing delay of new institutional innovation of Taiwan.
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