

主題關鍵詞:撒奇萊雅族Sakizaya人生成歷程族群團體歷史事件族群性文化建構Sakizayabecomingethnic grouphistorical eventethnicitycultural construction
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本論文主要是在探究撒奇萊雅族是如何生成的。而該如何開始理解一個族群團體,首要的工作必須打破它原本就是如此這般存在的預設,換言之,族群團體是在生成歷程中被形塑出來,且永遠都還在變化中。立基在這樣的基礎上,透過對撒奇萊雅族歷史演變的過程和各種生成要件的探析,除了讓我們得以了解何以撒奇萊雅族會是以今日的樣貌呈現在世人面前之外,同時藉由對生成條件的說明,也讓我們能夠明瞭撒奇萊雅族是如何正名成功的。可以說,對Sakizaya人群變遷進行歷史過程描述,就是在進行撒奇萊雅族是如何族群團體化(ethnically groupize)的歷程描述,而其中加禮宛戰役 (達固湖灣戰役)作為一場歷史的機遇,更成為日後撒奇萊雅族之所以要正名,以及如何利用該戰役完成撒奇萊雅族文化建構的關鍵歷史事件。其次,對當代撒奇萊雅族生成條件的探析,更是不容忽視的面向。所謂生成條件即指涉各種作用力的聚集,而當代撒奇萊雅族的生成條件,其內容則包含有當代政治社會的結構性因素、原住民族組織化的出現、推動正名運動的行動者,以及與阿美族的互動關係等要件。
This thesis explores the generation and becoming of Sakizaya as an ethnic group. Before officially recognized as the thirteenth indigenous group in Taiwan, the ethnic name and identity of the Sakizaya people were virtually non-existent. It has been shaped by historical processes and is transforming into the future. This means we cannot regard any ethnic group as an unalterable substance. From this viewpoint, it’s meaningful to illustrate how an ethnic group is formed in the historical process. Besides, one must acknowledge the factor of historical contingency in the Sakizaya people’s renaming campaign. Since the occurrence of Jia-Li-Wan event (also known as Takobowan event) in 1878, the Sakizaya people have reduced in size with survivors and their descendents disappearing into the Amis tribe for more than one hundred years. The Japanese scholars later introduced a classification system of ethnic groups from the West, in which the Sakizaya was classified as a branch of the Amis for both academic and official purposes. This is why the Sakizaya descendents initiated the campaign in 1990.
Not only has history played an important role in bringing about the Sakizaya people’s ethnic movement, but its current becoming is also subject to several conditions. These conditions include political and social structures, the emergence of indigenous organizations, campaign initiators and relations of interaction with the Amis. In the Sakizaya people’s ethnic movement, cultural construction has proven to be the most effective mechanism in the making of ethnicity. Through the invention of traditions and historical memories, actors in the initial stage of the campaign can help create the Sakizaya people’s ethnicity. However, the thesis also finds that the effect of cultural construction is not total due to exceptional cases of ethnic identification. Since the identity of an ethnic group isn’t necessary the personal identity in the daily life, how can the members of an ethnic group create the common ethnicity? How can personal cognition of ethnicity become the collective one? This thesis argues that ethnicity always includes both, the outer collective character as well as the inner individual cognition, and it is always under construction.
Keywords: Sakizaya, becoming, ethnic group, historical event, ethnicity,
cultural construction
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