

作者(外文):Ho, Wen-Kuang
主題關鍵詞:轉化學習高科技產業繼續教育結構方程模式在職訓練Transformative LearningContinuing EducationOn the Job TrainingLearning and DevelopmentSEM
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因此,本研究之研究目的有五,包括驗證本研究提出之高科技產業員工參與「繼續教育之轉化學習過程與成效模式」(CETE Model, Continuing-Education-Transformation-Effect Model)及其可行性;並且分析與驗證轉化學習的四個核心步驟;以及瞭解轉化學習的關鍵概念及其相關程度;接下來是分析高科技產業員工,在參與不同型態的繼續教育,在不同構面滿意度上的差異情形;最後是瞭解高科技產業員工在轉化學習模式中,在CETE模式中之「成效」要素,與不同類型之學習所得之間的相關程度。
High-tech industry is the worldwide trend. In order to enhance competition, high-tech companies in Taiwan pay highly attention to recruitment and continuing education of employees. High-tech companies committee huge resources to employee training, but lack of output evaluation system. Base on Mezirow’s transformation learning theory, this dissertation attempt to build up a Continuing-Education-Transformation-Effect Model (CETE Model) to analyze the effect of continuing education on high-tech company employee.
The research purposes of this dissertation are as follows. First of all is to exam the CETE model and the feasibility of the model. Secondly, to exam and analyze the four core steps of “transformative learning”. And third one is to analyze the key concepts of “transformation learning” and their correlation. Forth, to analyze the difference of satisfaction while High-tech companies employees participate in different continuing education; and the last, to analyze the correlation of “Effect” factor within different learning outcomes under CETE model.
This dissertation use questionnaire survey and SEM (Structural Equation Model) to investigate the influencing on continuing education of high-tech companies employees in CETE model. Additionally, we use AMOS to carry out the examination and analysis of the model.
The important research finding is the structure of CETE model is feasible, which is the four different types of continuing education for high-tech companies employee. Within the four different types of continuing education, the “transformation effect” is most significant while high-tech companies employees are asked by company to participate in the “non-technical” training. Furthermore, the effect of “technical” training is significant while high technology industries employee are motivated to participate in. Latent independent variables, “participation of continuing education”, “transformative learning”, and “effect” are correlated. Moreover, “learning wills”, “personal performance”, and “organization performance” are correlated. From the confirmatory of SEM of the four core steps of “transformation learning”, it is feasible.
The coefficient of the four core steps of “transformation learning” model shows “learning wills” has less influence to transformative learning. The exploratory factor analysis of key concept of transformative learning comes out with three key factors, which are correlated. Finally, the satisfaction is different from one another with different types of continuing education for high-tech company employee to participate in.
We come out with four suggestions for high-tech companies on implementing of continuing education on the continuous education.
1.While implementing continuing education, different measures are necessary to obtain best learning output.
2.The four core steps of “transformation learning” are valuable reference for designing and implementing the training courses.
3.High-tech companies can authorize employee to participate in the implementing of training courses, which is under the guideline of company’s continuing education plan.
4.In particularly, we come out that employees see continuing education as positive factor for an organization, moreover, for non-physical income. It’s necessary for high-tech companies to implement continuing education.
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