

作者:張俊一 引用關係
作者(外文):Chun-Yi Chang
主題關鍵詞:運動休閒社會意義社會支持社會網絡social meaningsocial supportsocial networkrecreational sports
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Under the worldwide aging trend, issues concerned the older adults has been a public policy focus of the countries around the world. Also, it has been an important issue for scholarly researches. Comprehensive surveyed the previous researches that concerned the issues about older adults, I found most of these studies were centralized in quantitative approach to examine the outcome of older adults’leisure or physical activities participation. Based on above background and the complement of our understanding in this issue, there was a need of using a qualitative approach to explore the deep experience of older adults’leisure participation. Besides, the social network analysis technique has been regarded as an important technique for exploring the relationships and interactions among social actors. This study applied the conception of social network analysis technique to explore the leisure interactions for older adults. Deep interviews and field observations were conducted with 27 older adults ages 65 years or more in Hsinchu area from January to June in 2007, gathered information on the respondents’ (a) general social network and social support, (b) the influence of general social network members on leisure participants, (c) recreational sports social network and social support,(d) the extent to daily life based on the interactions within the recreation sports social network, (e) the social meaning that constructed in recreational sports interactions, and (f) demographics.
The findings of this study were (a) size of the older adults’ general social network was between 2 to 10, the average social network size was 8.1. Spouse, sons and daughters were the most important social network relationship types for the respondents. Respondents reported they received different kind and different level social supports (affective, instrument, message, and appraisal) form all the twelve type social network members. Spouse was found to be the chief social supports provider among these relationships in daily life, (b) members of the older adults’ general social network were found to have significant influence for the respondents’ leisure participations, and they provided kinds of assistance to contribute the older adults’ leisure participations. All of the social supports provided by the respondents’ social network members were reported to be positive for leisure participations, (c) some members of the older adults’ general social network coincide with those of recreational sports social network: spouse, neighbor, previous coworker, schoolmate, friend, and the other relative (d) except for the interactions in leisure activities, highly and multiply interactions in other occasions were reported by these respondents, and (e) For the elderly adults, leisure interaction had four important social meanings: (1) recreational sports activities have become the socialization agents for older adults, (2) by recreational sports interaction, social class differences were found to be weakened, (3) through the participations of recreational sports activities, older adults tried to challenge the stereotypes of older people, and (4) participations of recreational sports activities were regarded as a important path to the successful aging.
Finally, according the findings of this study, I brought up a “Social network approach leisure model”. In addition, I broached some concrete suggestions for elderly welfare policies and future researches.
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