

作者:邱建章 引用關係
作者(外文):Chiu, Chien-Chang
主題關鍵詞:運動全球化媒體運動產製複合體文化經濟接合在地運動sports globalizationmedia sport production complexcultural economyarticulatelocal sports
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研 究 生:邱建章
本研究乃以接合政治經濟學與文化研究取徑的「文化迴路」 (the circuit of culture)解釋模型,探究媒體運動產製複合體所形成的運動全球化現象,並分析運動全球化的進程如何接合進入地方社會,進而形構台灣運動文化的表現樣態。最後,立基於運動文化的主體位置,反思在地運動的文化經濟價值與未來的行動策略。據此,本文以歷史社會學、文獻分析和深度訪談等質性研究方法,來釐清運動全球在地化的文化樣貌。
研究結果發現:運動組織、媒體集團與跨國企業,跟隨著全球化的進程而「結構化」為「媒體運動文化經濟產製複合體」,並以「資本積累」極大化的思維,來開展全球範圍內的政經擴張策略;全球運動,以其優勢力量接合進入在地社會後,成了各方勢力彼此競逐的權力競技場。1990年代以後,台灣職業運動的創制,加速了在地運動納入全球運動的結構體系,並深化運動菁英的外流與輸入、全球與在地媒體影像的接合、核心與半邊陲的全球運動商品鍊以及愛國競賽與認同政治之間的交互依賴、彼此影響的進程,也讓在地運動面臨著低度發展的依賴困境。最後,本文認為,以「文化」為優先的策略應當成為重構在地運動主體價值的行動方案,藉此踐行由下而上(bottom up)的草根全球化(grassroots globalization),從這當中找出公民社會與民主參與的最大可能性。從此起點出發,方能在新世紀形構出擁有地方特色的「在地運動」文化體系。
The impacts of sports globalization on local sports subjective value and the local response to global sports
Ph. D. Thesis, 2009 Chiu, Cheng-Chang
Advisor: Wang Chun-Chi,Ph.D. Abstract
The research investigate the phenomenon of sports globalization formed by “media sport production complex” and to analyze how the process of sports globalization articulates with local society and contributes the appearance of Taiwan’s sports culture. Finally, taking the subjective position of the sports culture, the researcher attempts to reflect the cultural and economic value of local sports and action strategy for the future. In order to accomplish this project, we apply “the circuit of culture” interpretative model that articulating political economy and cultural study approach to do a cultural analysis of local sports. From above, the research clarifies the cultural appearance of sports glocalization by applying qualitative method such as the historical sociology, analysis of literature review and in-depth interview.
Findings reveal that the sports organizations, media tycoons and transnational corporations follow the process of globalization, structured/structuring as the “media sports cultural economy production complex” and develop the political and economic expansive strategy in global scale in the thought of capital accumulation maximization. The global sports articulate themselves into the local society with their dominant force and make sports world turn into a power arena that every institution struggle for. After 1990, the creation of Taiwan’s professional sports (PCBL) accelerates the mutual dependence and influence between local sports and the global sports system, deepening the consequences among the drain and import of sports elites between Taiwan and other countries, the articulation with global and local media images, core and semi-periphery global sport commodity chain and the conflict between patriotic games and identity politics. All this makes local sports into the dilemma of underdevelopment.
In conclusion, the researcher proposes that the culture-first strategy should be the action agenda in rebuilding the subjective value of local sports. With this belief, we should adopt the agenda to put grassroots globalization into practice from bottom up, in the hope of finding the biggest possibility of civil society and democratic participation. Starting from this point, we may possess the cultural system of sports with local characteristics in the new century.
Keywords: sports globalization, media sport production complex, cultural economy, articulate, local sports.
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