

主題關鍵詞:外部性交易成本市場失靈邊際效益邊際成本阿羅不可能撘便車私有財公共財樞要個人克拉克賦稅訊息成本寇斯定理externalitytransaction costsmarket failuremarginal utilitymarginal costsArrow Impossibilityfree-ridingprivate good
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本文之論述結構, 可分為四個部分。
一、 導論: 引發問題意識, 導引出相關的法律議題;
二、 本文所使用的分析工具: 乃就本文所採用的經濟分析方法, 包括「寇斯定理」及「委託-代理理論」等, 就其解決問題之優劣性、 以及其於運用時所可能面臨之界限或條件問題, 予以敘述;
三、 本文所分析的法律議題: 乃就所爭議之議題加以介紹及說明, 並援引前章所發展之經濟分析工具, 對於前述問題進行分析與探討;
四、 結論: 乃就前述之內容, 為一綜合性的總結。
申言之, 首先, 於「經濟誘因的管制策略研究」之一節, 本文乃藉由財產權概念之介紹, 衍申出「污染權作為可交易的客體」之基本架構, 並強調, 引進經濟誘因機制對於我國將來加入國際社會時之參考價值;
其次, 於「基本權利限制的比例性問題」之一節, 本文乃運用前章所發展而得到的經濟模型, 對於德國聯邦憲法法院於藥房案判決中所提出的「三階段」判斷標準, 進行分析與驗證, 並得到: 手段的「必要性」、 或「最小干預性」, 雖在表面上, 是為了滿足「過度禁止」之要求, 但在實際上, 乃是為了達成「極大化社會總效用」之目的而存在之結論, 故前述的「過度禁止」之內容, 應被廣義地理解為, 具有「不足禁止」精神的「極大化社會總效用」之概念;
再者, 於「資源分配的平等性問題」之一節, 本文得到: 唯有經過「比例性」、 或「效率」等標準之衡量, 對於「平等」的考量才有其意義之結論, 因而, 並非僅僅是其他的類別相對於某類別來說具有「可相提並論性」, 即當然地可證成該其他類別亦必須受有「可相提並論」的利益或不利益, 最適的規模為何, 仍須視各方的利益結構為何而定;
最後, 於「由 Chevron 案所衍申的司法與行政職務分工問題」之一節, 本文乃援引訊息經濟學中「委託-代理」之理論, 對於立法、 行政、 司法間權力分配之平衡問題有所釐清, 質言之, 授權之目的, 本是立法者為了節省在確定法案內容時所耗費的時間和精力之成本, 而採行之方案選擇, 因而, 隨著私人間利益衝突之擴大, 立法變得模糊不清的可能性也就愈大, 為了精確地監督行政立法之品質, 立法機關必須另與一有法律判斷專業能力的司法機關建立授權之關係, 以使司法機關的專業能力、 和私人利益, 能夠成為有效監督行政立法結果的公共利益之基礎。
The present thesis is structured in four principal parts:
I. Introduction: This part ignites awareness of the subject issues and leads into the legal topics concerned.
II. The present thesis adopts analytical tools including economic analysis methodology, notably Coase theorem and “principal-agent theory” to elucidate the performance in solving problems and the subjects of limits or constraints which might confront the issues upon utilization of such tool.
III. Legal issues analyzed in the present thesis: This part introduces and explains the issues in dispute and quotes the economic analysis tools developed in the preceding chapter. It further analyzes and probes into the aforementioned issues.
IV. Conclusions: This Chapter comes to a comprehensive conclusion over the aforementioned contents.
In an extension, in the study of regulatory strategy over economic incentive, the present thesis evolves the fundamental frameworks that the emission rights could be taken as a sort of tradable objects, as deriving from the concept of property rights. This part also underlines the referential value of the economic incentive mechanism to the Republic of China when it gets admitted to the international community.
Next, in the chapter of the proportionality of the restraint of fundamental rights, the present thesis makes utilization of the economic models obtained evolved in the preceding Chapter to analyze and verify the three-steps category pointed out by the German court of constitution on the judgement of the “apothecarydecicion” case. This Chapter obtains conclusions on the “necessity” or the “minimum possible interference”. On the surface, it seems intended to satisfy the requirements in “excessive abstention”. In actuality, nevertheless, such a conclusion exists for the purposes of accomplishing maximizing social total utilities. The content of the aforementioned “excessive abstention” should be interpreted in a broad sense into the concept of “maximizing social total utilities”.
Next, in the issues related to equality of “resources distribution”, the present thesis acquires such key points: Only through measuring by means of such “proportionality” or “efficiency” could such key points bear possible significant conclusions. Accordingly, it doesn’t make sense if we say definitely a certain category bears compatible interests or non-interests only because another category is compatible with certain categories. The optimal scale still depends upon how the structure of involved interests.
In the Chapter of division of labor between judicial and administrational functions evolved in “Chevron case”, the present Thesis quotes principal-agent theory of the information economics. This clarifies the balance of allocation of legislative, executive and judicial powers. To put it in more understandable terms, the efforts of delegation are a sort of option intended to economize the costs of time and energy which might be spent on ascertaining content of the key issues. Accordingly, the more conflict of private interests is broadened, the greater possibility in the legislative performance while the legislation becomes increasingly vague. To accurately administer the quality of administrational legislation, the legislative authorities must enter into the delegation relationship with judicial branches which bear the professional competence of judgement. Through such efforts, the professional competence of the judicial branches, the private interests will be combined into a firm foundation of public interests to effectively administer administrational legislation performance.
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