

作者:彭莉惠 引用關係
作者(外文):PENG, Li Hui
主題關鍵詞:組織研究全球商品鏈後進學習教育訓練(人才培育)制度分析人力資源organizational studyglobal commodity chainlatecomer learningtraininginstitutional analysishuman resource
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As far as firms’ training is concerned, it’s become a rather significant topic in both at home and abroad academic fields, such as organizational sociology, human resources management, and general business administration. Many studies have pointed out that Taiwan could be categorized as a “latecomer’s learning type” of country; as Taiwan’s OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers),starting in the 1980s, were joined into the global commodity chains and supply chains, and have earned semi-peripheral positions in the global division of production. However, so far, little is known about how technique-receiving countries like Taiwan pass techniques and skills into the organizational groups of people through the company’s training system. Besides that, employee skill learning heavily depends on the organizational training arrangement and instituted operational process; hence, if there is no consideration for companies’ training practices, Taiwan’s enterprise characteristics won’t be understood completely and a full picture of Taiwan’s business environment will continue to be unclear.
Given a lack of related researches and references, this study emphasizes that to create a local analytical framework is more important than in light of theoretical points of view developed in Western societies or the existing efficiency viewpoint of economics-based rational interpretations. In order to explore further how manufacturing companies train their staff members and employees, this study will adopt both an in-depth interview method and questionnaires. Based on interviews with human resource managers at 41 companies, officers as well as leaders who are in charge of human resource associations and training institutes, the survey sample includes 72 interviewees. In addition, the study comprises accumulated training experiences from 122 companies as well.
This research intends to not only develop an interpretative framework for Taiwan enterprises’ training experiences, but also seek out the influential mechanisms that may affect companies’ attitudes toward training. The main finding of this study needs to be emphasized is that Taiwan has a dual track of institutional logic for training; training practices that follow a level of technical foundation (which include OEMs and ODMs, Original Design Manufacturers) deeply embedded in the global commodity chain. And these OEM/ODM enterprises have developed two different training types, namely “latecomer’s pursuit of learning” and “latecomer’s pursuit of innovation”. These dual institutional logics for training could help to explain Taiwan manufacturers’ experiences appropriately.
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