

作者(外文):Wu, Ming-Che
指導教授:蔡渭水 博士
主題關鍵詞:遊憩資源資源基礎觀點策略休閒農場recreation resourcesresource-based viewstrategyleisure farm
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The vigorously growing leisure agriculture in Taiwan results in a fast increasing number of leisure farms; therefore, competition among different leisure farms becomes increasingly acute. Leisure farms must utilize their own resources with their own operation features highlighted to avoid reduced benefit due to mutual competition as well as a threatened sustainability of farm development. The study investigates the recreation resources in a leisure farm using case study approach with resource-based view. Vital results achieved are listed as follows.
I. Identify the Recreation Resources of Key Value in the Leisure Farm
The study develops a wide category of recreation resources based on data from blogs of 12 leisure farms with relevant literatures investigated. 38 recreation resources with key value based on leisure farms centering in nurturing animals according to different aspects of the characteristic of the competitiveness strategy of the resources, the key success factors in industry, perspective from consumers, the value benefits, etc, are classified as natural assets (meteorology, plant, animal and hydrology), landscape assets (geographical landscape, plant landscape, industrial landscape, facility landscape, architectural landscape and environmental landscape), industrial assets (animal interaction, grassland activity, DIY experience activity, outdoor recreation activity, diary product, catering, souvenir, taste and sound), humanistic assets (activity, story and figure), assets of the service facilities (accommodation facility, catering facility, shop store facility, interpretation facility, public facility and entertainment facility), interpretation and guidance competence (tourism center, service of the interpretation and guidance and evening entertainment) as well as operation management competence (security management, hygiene management, reception service, R&D, integrated resources efficiency, load control and brand image).
II. Evaluation Method of Competition Advantages and Disadvantages of the Recreation Resources in the Leisure Farm
The evaluation method of competition advantages and disadvantages of the recreation resources in leisure farms includes the processes and procedures of identification of the recreation resources with key values, the evaluation of the difference between the relative advantages and disadvantages of recreation resources, the evaluation of the features of relative competition advantages and disadvantages of recreation resources, and the evaluation of the condition of the competition advantages and disadvantages of the recreation resources, through the study case of Farm F, Farm C and Farm P.
III. Putting Forward the Development Strategies and Suggestions of the Investment, Integration and Management of Recreation Resources of the Leisure Farm
The study finally puts forward the development strategies and suggestions on the idea culture of the dairy value, an ecological environment with nature and cooperation and co-prosperity according to the investment, integration and management of recreation resources of Farm F. It is based on the the evaluation results of the competition advantages and disadvantages of the recreation resources of the leisure farm employing the three aspects of the opportunities, trends and management targets of the future development of the leisure farm and other aspects.
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