

作者:邱天佑 引用關係
作者(外文):Tien-You Chiu
主題關鍵詞:生態旅遊計畫行為理論環境關切道德規範過去行為EcotourismTheory of Planned BehaviorMoral Norms
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Environmental conservation is a major concern worldwide today. Ecotourism is based on natural environment; therefore, ecotourism is closely related to environmental conservation. The study of ecotourism behavior should also be emphasized. The study begins with the definition of ecotourism, the discussion of literature, and the variables such as moral norm, environmental concern, past behavior, and self-identity, to have formed the extending Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model to discuss the determinants of ecotourism behavior.
The study consists of 326 purposive samplings that came to watch fireflies at Carp Pond, Hwalian County, and applies structural equation modeling to test the relationships of cause and effect between the variables. The findings are: (1) Moral norm positively affects behavioral intention only when attitude toward the behavior is mediated. (2) Environmental concern has a direct effect on behavioral intention; environmental concern has an indirect effect on behavioral intention, via the mediation of subjective norm. (3)Environmental concern is the most importantly direct factor that influences behavioral intention for visitors to watch fireflies; the rest of factors in influential order are attitude, subjective norm and past behavior, respectively. However, behavioral intention is not influenced by perceived behavioral control or self-identity. (4) Past behavior has a directly positive and significant influence on behavioral intention, without the mediation of perceived behavioral control. (5)The influential factors on the behavior of fireflies-watching are behavioral intention and perceived behavioral control. (6) The degree of involvement of ecotourism does not moderate the relationship between behavioral intention and behavior.
The academic contributions of this study are: (1) To increase the empirical studies of ecotourism and to compare the explanatory powers toward behavioral intention and behavior between the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior, but the comparison shows no significant difference between there two theories. (2) To confirm the study of correct cause-effect relationship toward behavioral intention of ecotourism of which various exogenous variables in the extending TPB model have. Especially, the attitude of ecotourists is positively affected by Moral norms as a personal factor. Environmental concern has a direct and significant influence on subjective norm which is a societal variable. Environmental concern also directly affects the behavioral intention of firefly-watching. The findings have not fully confirmed in ecotourism yet. (3)The extending TPB model does not only meet the sufficiency of TPB, but also improves the predictive power to the behavioral intention and behavior. In the ecotourism of firefly-watching, the environmental concern is the most importantly direct factor affecting behavioral intention. Apparently, we can assume that the firefly-watching ecotourists have much more environmental concern than traditional tourists do. (4)The perceived behavioral control can have a direct, positive influence on behavior without behavioral intention as a mediator. Obviously, the respondents of the study are under the volitional control to have the firefly-watching tour.
Finally, by means of the results of this study, we discuss some relevant implications of practical management, and propose suggestions for future research through the industry and government perspectives.
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