

主題關鍵詞:課程綱要制定文化政治批判論述分析Curriculum Guidelines makingcultural politicscritical discourse analysis
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The development of the Curriculum Guidelines of Gender Equity Education took place during 2000 to 2008. Major changes include the renaming, restructuring, reconceptualizing of gender. The implementing of Gender Equity Education was to be incorporated into all Learning Areas. For this reason, the process of making Curriculum Guidelines of Gender Equity Education caused vigorous debate. The process of making and promoting Curriculum Guidelines of Gender Equity Education caused problems of the distribution of power and resources between government bodies and pressure groups. The social contexts also influenced the process of making and revising Curriculum Guidelines of Gender Equity Education.
The methodology of critical discourse analysis (CDA) was adopted in this study to research the cultural politics on making Curriculum Guidelines of Gender Equity Education. There were several findings in this study. First of all, the renaming of sex to gender symbolized the image of gender curriculum. Secondly, the incorporation of Curriculum Guidelines of Gender Equity Education into Learning Areas led to much debate within the academic community. Thirdly, the process of making and promoting Curriculum Guidelines of Gender Equity Education became the battle ground of resource distribution and power conflict for those involved. Fourthly, the revision of Curriculum Guidelines of Gender Equity Education was affected by many social factors. In conclusion, this study recommends some significant suggestions about the making, promoting and future study of Curriculum Guidelines of Gender Equity Education.
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