

作者(外文):Kang-Wei Lin
主題關鍵詞:高雄愛河景觀形塑人地關係地理想像KaohsiungLove Riverlandscape transformationhuman-environment relationshipgeographical imagination
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The main discussion of the paper focuses on three incidents that happened during the historical periods of Kaohsiung area and brought tremendous changes to the landscape of Love River Basin. These three incidents included the most important water conservancy project of Caogong Canal on Kaohsiung Plain during the Manchurian occupation period, import of modernized railway and harbor transportation to Kaohsiung during the Japanese colonization period, as well as the dredging and landscape reconstruction of Love River since the establishment of Kuomintang (KMT) government. Correspondingly, three themes are developed in the study. The first theme elucidates the natural environment and landscape features of Love River Basin. The second theme re-establishes the development of Kaohsiung Plain and landscape development of Love River Basin. The third theme explores the landscape formation and transformation of Love River Basin under the capitalism-oriented ideology. Through analysis of these themes, the study unfolds the social and political functions and effects of Love River during different historical periods, and represents the landscape types and life course of Love River under capitalist ideological effects during different periods.
First of all, it is confirmed that the source of Love River could be traced back to Shilong River, and Caogong Canal was the prime culprit cutting the source of Love River. Nevertheless, Caogong Canal was an important helping hand facilitating the prosperous development of agricultural landscape of Love River Basin. Secondly, as speculated from the formation of water transportation life circle along Love River, it is confirmed that Sandecu played an important role in the development process of Kaohsiung Plain. The building of Takau Harbor during the Japanese colonization period led to immense change of the landscape of Love River. The narrowed estuary of Lover River brought about the remote cause of flooding problem that still exists today. And the modernized urban and industrial investment was the remote cause of pollution. The implementation of Love River dredging plan during the period of KMT government further cut the source and end of Love River, making it become a waste water pond. As to landscape reconstruction, it was originally an act out of good intention, but was added with excessive artificial elements, and lacked long-term planning. As a result, the position of the landscape development of Love River is still unclear at the current stage.
The study shows that the landscape of Love River was positioned differently during different historical periods. The administrative attitude of the administrator is the key to the formation of landscape development, and is also related to the utilization of water resources. During the early Manchurian occupation period, Love River lacked fresh water, and had drought problem, making it become a dividing line in the development of Kaohsiung Plain and marginalizing its location-specific position. In the late Manchurian occupation period, due to export of rice and sugar via Love River and the greater importance of water transportation, Love River became the centre of people’s lives. With the gradual rise of Sandecu, Love River water-transport life circle was formed. The landscape centrality of Love River was obviously strengthened. After the building of Takau Harbor during the Japanese colonization period, Love River became an industrial transportation river and a new urban center, and its centrality was even more prominent. However, after water transportation was no longer important as replaced by land transportation, Love River was gradually marginalized, and finally became an extended septic tank of the households of Kaohsiung City. Although Love River was dredged during the period of KMT government, the bad smell of its waste water even more marginalized itself despite its location at downtown. After the ruling party of Kaohsiung City was changed to be Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in 1998, Love River had its landscape reconstructed, and turned out to be an important tourist scenic spot in the city. Nevertheless, the tourist position of Love River needs to be further promoted, and the current positioning of its development is unclear.
Finally, the paper makes questionnaire and interview surveys in order to respond to the argumentation of the policies of the existing City Government, and point out the administrative blind spots in the dredging and landscape reconstruction of Love River at the current stage. It is hoped that academic viewpoints can urge the administrators to return to Love River its natural vitality, and resume it as a back garden of the households of Kaoshiung citizens. It is also expected that the landscape of Love River can be reconstructed towards the goal of sustainable development that stresses human-environment symbiotic relationship.

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