

作者:高琇鈴 引用關係
作者(外文):Kao Hsiu-ling
主題關鍵詞:婚姻衝突受苦困局心理劇詮釋現象學couple conflictsdistressing predicamentpsychodramahermeneutic phenomenology
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The purpose of the study was to analyze the psychodrama process and the change of female predicaments(困局)caused by the conflicts with their husbands. Three married females who had been experiencing couple conflicts for more than three months participated in the study. Their personal psychodrama sessions were conducted, recorded and transcribed respectively. The method of conversation analysis was applied to make the phenomenological reduction on the transcripts. The results of the analysis were as follows.The change processes of three protagonists’ predicaments in psychodrama were represented by three situations(局勢): Fei’s(飛) dependence upon other people, Hui’s(慧) self-reliance, and Hung’s(虹) consideration for other people. The change process included four phases: the revelation of the deadlocked conflict between husband and wife, the unfolding of personal predicaments, the dilemmas in the predicaments, the process of creating a new situation after getting out of trouble repeatedly. The changes revealed four dimensions: the temporal order perceived in the stream of consciousness, the fundamental tendency acquired from state-of-mind, the new situation created from getting in and out of the predicament, the structural change of couple relationship. These explained how protagonists got out of the predicament to create a new situation after they became aware of their state-of-mind and shifted the fundamental tendency. The study also discussed the major issues about the changes of the situation, the dimensions of couple relationship, the clinical significance of psychodrama, and the researcher’s reflection. Based on the results of the study, suggestions about psychotherapy and relevant practice for married females as well as future research were provided.
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