

作者:陳筱萍 引用關係
作者(外文):Sheau-Ping Chen
主題關鍵詞:婚姻暴力夫妻對偶分析婚姻衝突知覺衝突因應現象學研究marital violent couplesdyadic analysisconflict perceptionconflict copingphenomenology research
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1. 對主要衝突事件知覺偏向歸因是配偶的過失,其次是自我知覺遠多於對配偶的知覺。
2. 對金錢衝突事件的知覺,主要是夫妻金錢使用的態度明顯不同,及丈夫工作不穩定或失業帶來經濟危機。與金錢衝突事件相關議題,包括丈夫抽菸、喝酒和吃檳榔增加家庭經濟的開銷;而獨力扛家計的妻子,不滿丈夫總是悠閒在過日子,及因丈夫低自尊,續而產生懷疑的心理。
3. 對姻親衝突事件的知覺,丈夫和岳母相處困難,丈夫未直接告知岳母,卻轉向妻子抱怨,另外是夫家父母重視「門當戶對」,不認同這個婚姻和孩子。
4. 對喝酒衝突事件的知覺,夫妻二人對丈夫喝酒頻率、喝酒前後差異、喝酒造成干擾、喝酒影響工作不穩定或失業,以及藉助酒精來澆愁的知覺是不同的。
5. 對丈夫愛看電視衝突事件的知覺,夫妻一致認為看電視使得彼此確實較少有對話,但二人認定丈夫看電視對小寶寶照顧的知覺是有差異。
6. 對手機與存摺衝突事件的知覺,丈夫擔憂妻子與同鄉聯絡,或把金錢匯回家鄉,且在意的是妻子未事先告知。但妻子解釋手機未告知是忘了,而金錢既然是自己賺的,就可以有權保管和運用。
7. 對兩人做事方式不同衝突事件的知覺,丈夫知覺自己較急性,看不慣妻子做事慢,份內的事情都未處理好,還熱心去幫忙別人。然而妻子認為自己做早餐生意已多年,而丈夫介入後,卻是處處挑剔和愛唸。
1. 在衝突暴力前因應互動模式為抱怨/忍耐或不回應,持續抱怨/反駁或反擊。在衝突暴力當下因應互動模式則是男性武力/女性反擊 ,衝突暴力之後就是男性覺醒/女性求助 。
2. 未解決衝突事件重複在婚姻生活中呈現,而夫暴力—妻原諒,成為婚姻暴力循環模式。其中也看到只要有一方妥協,也會帶動另一方做調整。
3. 面對暴力,女性主體性有提升,且藉由親朋好友或宗教轉化情緒,並整裝待發重新出發。同時,女性以拒絕性關係因應夫喝酒或失業。
4. 在衝突中,妻子是最先覺察到婚姻危機,然而叨唸並不能有效改變喝酒的契機,但丈夫是不斷給自己機會,而疏忽改變的契機。
The purpose of this study was to explore the perception of conflict events and coping reactions in three couples with marital violence. A dyadic research design with phenomenology approach was applied.
This study found that the main sources of conflict for couples with marital violence are money, individual’s habits (i.e. TV, alcohol), in-law relationships, and unacceptable discrepancies in worldview. The perception of major conflicts were:
1. The perception of major conflicts were attributed to the spouse’s faults. Moreover, the self-perception of conflict is more than spouse’s perception.
2. For the perception of money conflict, couples appeared giant discrepancy in money. The husbands either have an unstable job or unemployed which leads to economic crisis. Furthermore, husbands’ smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nut increased family living expense. Moreover, the wives worked for the families were dissatisfied with their husbands without making money; resulting in the husbands’ low self-esteem and becoming suspicious.
3. For the perception of in-law relationship conflict, instead of complaining to the mother-in-law directly, the husbands complain to their wives. And, the parents-in-law did not accept the marriage because the wives’’ background.
4. For the perception of drinking, the couples have different perspectives of views regarding drinking frequency, differences between before and after drinking, problems causing by drinking, effects of unstable work or unemployed by drinking, and numbing themselves by alcohol.
5. For the perception of the husbands who like to watch TV, coupes had an agreement with watching TV may decrease communication with each other. However, that had a disagreement with watching TV may lack of time to take care of kids.
6. For the perception of cell phone and deposit book conflict, husband worries about wife who connects with her relatives or send money back to her hometown, and most care about is that wife did those things without informing them. However, the wife explains that she forgot to tell her husband that she bought a new cell phone, and she earns money by herself, so she has rights to manage it.
7. For the perception of different decision-making conflict, the husband knows that he is impatient but his wife is not used to working in a fast pace environment. He does not like his wife when she does not finish her work and help other people while the wife thinks that she has opened the breakfast shop for several years, and wonders why her husband always complaint and dissatisfied after he joined the work.
The Coping of major conflicts include:
1. The coping modes before conflict were complaint/tolerate or no respond and continued complaint/rebut or squelch. The coping modes during violence are male violent/female retaliation, and after violence were male realization/female seeking help.
2. The unresolved conflicts repeat in married life. Thus, “Husbands become violent – wives forgive” leads to marital violence becoming a violent cycle. And also when one of them compromises, the other would make adjustments in response.
3. Enhance women’s self determination has been enhanced when wives faces violence. Female adjust through friends, relatives and religion, and then recover and restart. During the period, wives would use sex as a way to manipulate husbands to work or not to drink.
4. Nagging cannot change husbands’ drinking behavior, and wives firstly perceived
marriage crisis - and husbands repeatedly neglect opportunities for change.
According to the results, suggestions for counseling practitioners, family educators, and future research are recommended.
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