

作者(外文):Cheng Ko-Wei
指導教授:林天祐 博士
主題關鍵詞:校長領導風格組織文化校園選舉行為principals' leadership styleorganizational cultureschool voters’ behavior
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The main purposes of this research was to examine the current situations of principals' leadership styles, organizational culture, and voting behavior in elementary schools, and to analyze the differences among principals' leadership styles, organizational culture, and voting behavior in personal variables, and school environmental variables in elementary schools. Furthermore, it assessed the fitness of the structural equation model among principals' leadership styles, organizational culture, and voting behavior in elementary schools. Finally, it explored the relationships between principals' leadership styles and voting behavior in elementary schools: organizational culture as the mediation and moderation variable. The research method this study adopted was survey research. “The Investigative Questionnaire of Relationships among Principals' Leadership Styles, Organizational Culture, and Voting Behavior in Elementary Schools” was the main tool in use. The samples were 1,295 teachers randomly selected from 131 elementary schools in Taiwan, and 789 of the distributed copies were returned as valid. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical methods of descriptive statistics, chi-square test, multivariate analysis of variance, regression analysis, and structural equation model. The conclusions of this research are as follows:
1.Among all of the dimensions of principals' leadership styles, hierarchy management style was the dominance in the elementary schools.
2.Among all of the dimensions of school organizational culture, clan and hierarchy were the dominance in the elementary schools.
3.Among all of the dimensions of voting behavior, image evaluation, capability evaluation and interpersonal network could positively affect teachers' voting choice in the elementary schools.
4.There were no significant differences in the general performance of principals' leadership styles and school organizational culture in terms of teachers' gender, age, and academic degrees; school teachers with various years of experience, and positions had significant and different perceptions on principals' leadership styles and school organizational culture.
5.There were no significant differences in the general performance of voting behavior in elementary schools in terms of teachers' age; school teachers’ gender, academic degrees, various years of experience, and positions had significant and different perceptions on voting behavior in elementary schools.
6.There were no significant differences in the general performance of principals' leadership styles, school organizational culture, and voting behavior in terms of principals' gender, age, academic degrees, and years of experience.
7.There were significant differences in the general performance of principals' leadership styles, school organizational culture, and voting behavior in terms of school history; school teachers from various school sizes, and school locations had different perceptions on principals' leadership styles, school organizational culture, and voting behavior in elementary schools.
8.The principals' leadership styles could positively affect voting behavior in elementary schools through the partial mediation of school organizational culture.
9.The relationships between principals' leadership styles and voting behavior in elementary schools could be moderated by school organizational culture.
Based on the conclusions mentioned above, some suggestions are proposed for education authorities, elementary schools, and future research.
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