

作者:陳柏霖 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Po Lin
主題關鍵詞:用心心理資本心理健康主觀幸福感憂鬱mindfulnesspsychological capitalmental healthsubjective well-beingdepression
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本研究採用問卷調查法,以大專院校學生共1,540位為對象,採用「用心評估量表」、「心理資本量表」、「主觀幸福感量表」、「臺灣憂鬱症量表」及「社會期許量表」為工具。經描述統計分析、獨立樣本t 考驗、多變量變異數分析、區別分析、結構方程式模型,得出研究結果如下:
Facing a changeful time how to head for the future, the related psychological characteristic of Positive Psychology can help college students to reach the comfort in their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The main purpose of this study was to investigate relationships among mindfulness, psychological capital, and mental health of college students.
The first goal of this study was to understand whether mindfulness and psychological capital can effect the different types of college students’ mental health status or not. The second objective of this study was to explore the relationships among mindfulness, psychological capital, subjective well-being, and depression.
This study adopts a survey, comprising “Mindfulness assessment scale”, “Psychological capital scale”, “Subjective well-being scale”, “Taiwan Depression scale”, and “Social desirability Scale” of five questionnaire scales. Participants were 1,540 colleges’ students in Taiwan. The collected data are analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, MANOVA, discriminant analysis, and structural equation modeling.
And the findings are summarized as follows:
1.“Novelty producing” factor was the highest score on “mindfulness”; while “hope” factor gets the highest score on “psychological capital” ; and “popular type” has 425 persons, occupies 27.6% on “mental health status” distribution.
2.“Different genders” of the testing have significant differences on “mindfulness” and “psychological capital”. For male college students, their testing scores on “novelty producing” and “flexibility” categories are higher than female students’; on the other hand, female students’ scores were higher than females’ on “resilience”and “optimistic” categories.
3.“Different grades” of the testing have significant differences on “psychological capital”; however freshman students’ scores were higher than senior students’ on “hope” category.
4.“Different major fields” have significant differences on “mindfulness”; however students majoring in science, medical and agriculture fields were higher than other students’ on “novelty producing” category.
5.Students as volunteers, club or class leaders get higher scores on “mindfulness”, “psychological capital”, and “mental health “.
6.“Languishing type” students score much lower than “flourishing type” students on self-efficiency, hope, resilience optimism, soul searching, experience emotional, self tolerance, novelty seeking, engagement, novelty producing, and flexibility.
7.“Psychological capital” and “subjective well-being ” play full mediator role for “mindfulness “to “depression”.
This research mainly focuses on the data analyses and discussion, and finally provides suggestions for higher education and future research.
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