

作者(外文):Li-Jung Yu
主題關鍵詞:自我概念自我概念理論模式結構方程模式自我描述問卷Self-conceptSelf-concept modelStructural Equation ModelingSelf-Description Questionnaire
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以SDQ I、II、III為研究取向
摘 要
本研究旨在探討有關自我概念的相關理論,藉此理論進行自我概念理論模式的建構與驗證分析。首先探究基本的自我概念理論內涵,並在此理論基礎架構下進行後續的分析;再據此多面向之內涵構念所編製之量表進行實證分析,最後經由結構方程模式,建構與驗證符合臺灣兒童及青少年自我概念最適當的測量架構。Shavelson、Hubner與Stanton(1976)所發展出的多階層多向度自我概念理論(multidimensional-multifaceted theory of self-concept)應屬當代被引用最為廣泛的自我概念理論,Shavelson等人認為自我概念會隨著年齡增長而朝多面性與階層性發展,Marsh即依Shavelson等人的原始理論,發展成一完整的SDQ I、II、III(Self Description Questionnaire I, II, III; Marsh, 1990),分別應用於國小、中學、成人等不同年齡層的受試者,並獲得良好的信效度之證據。
本研究以SDQ I、II、III三套量表為研究工具,收集了98學年度臺灣北中南東四個區域各教育階段之學生,國小階段2,277人、國高中職2,216人以及大學1,416人,首先探討影響學生自我概念的可能因素,包括區域、性別、年級、父母婚姻關係、家庭型態以及家庭社經地位,在大學階段則加入科系的背景變項,了解其中差異。其次探討臺灣兒童及青少年自我概念結構,在一般性自我概念(general self-concept)下,將學業自我概念(academic self-concept)與非學業自我概念(nonacademic self-concept)區分開來,呼應Shavelson之多階層多面向自我概念模式,指出學業自我概念是整體自我概念中的一個成份,且分為特定內容領域的自我概念,如語文、數學、科學等。並檢驗此理論模式及後續發展的假設模式,其模式包括:一階多因子模式、一階雙因子模式、一階雙因子(親子同源)模式、一階三因子(親子同源)模式、一階三因子模式、二階雙因子模式以及二階三因子模式共七種。研究方法包括描述統計、信效度分析、t考驗、單變量變異數分析及結構方程模式等。
The Construction and Verification of Self-concept Model of Taiwanese
Children and Adolescents —The SDQ I, II, III Research Approach
Li-Jung Yu
The purpose of the present study was to explore the theory of self-concept and to construct and verify the model of self-concept. The study applied Shavelson and Marsh’s theory which addressed multifaceted, hierarchical structures of self-concept. According to the theoretical framework, the Chinese version of Self-Description Questionnaire I, II, III (SDQ I, II, III -C), an instrument derived from the Marsh and Shavelson model (e.g., Marsh &; Shavelson, 1985; Marsh, 1990) was designed to measure self-concept for Taiwanese children and adolescents. The multidimensional and hierarchical structure of self-concept was proposed and the model of self-concept was conducted and validated. Participants included 2,277 elementary school students, 2,216 high school and vocational school students, and 1,416 college students. Utilizing structural equation modeling, various models including first-order multidimensional model, first-order two-factor model, first-order three-factor model, second-order two-factor model, second-order three-factor model were conducted and a number of goodness-of-fit indexes were constructed for evaluation of Taiwanese children’s and adolescents’ self-concept.
Findings were addressed as followed: first, results identified good psychometric properties (e.g., high internal reliability) and a well-defined structure of SDQ I, II, III. Second, results indicated multidimensional model of self-concept for Taiwanese children and adolescents. Third, the best models of SDQ I, II, III were second-order two-factor model, second-order three-factor model, first-order two-factor model, respectively. Fourth, the descriptive statistics of SDQ I, II, III for Taiwanese children and adolescents differed from norms of Australia. Final, in terms of area, gender, age, family types, parents' marriage relation and socioeconomic status, there were significant differences for samples from various developing stage.
The implications of these findings were discussed and suggestions were provided for further research.
Keywords: Self-concept, Self-concept model, Structural Equation Modeling, Self-Description Questionnaire
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