

主題關鍵詞:家族治療師文化議題有效治療經驗family therapistcultural issueseffective therapy experience
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The Study on the Family Therapists, Effective Therapy Experience for Cultural issues
This study aimed to explore how the family therapists dealt with the cultural issues in their effective therapy experience. Meanwhile, this study also intended to find out the factors which influenced the therapists’ treatment for the cultural issues. This study adopted the phenomenological qualitative research method. The participants of this study were six family therapists who not only had the systems perspective, but also recognized themselves as an effective and experienced counselor with cultural sensitivity. The researcher had depth interview with each participant for two or three times, in order to understand their effective therapy experience of dealing with the cultural issues. The data collection and analysis was based on the therapeutic experience which every participant described.
In the result of this study, it was shown that the main cultural issues which the family therapists dealt with were male superiority and female inferiority, the traditional role of men as breadwinner and women as housekeeper, the priority of filial piety and the emphasis of interpersonal harmony. The treatment for the four cultural issues were categorized as simply accommodating the culture, both accommodating and releasing the culture, simply releasing the culture. There were three ways to accommodate the culture—(a) to connect the affection of family and not to shake the culture of male superiority and female inferiority; (b) to promote the model of true and harmonic interaction without the awareness of the culture of interpersonal harmony; (c) to guide the clients to recognize the influence of the behavior of filial piety and follow the culture of filial piety. As for the treatment of accommodating and releasing the culture, there were also three ways—(a) to support the priority of filial piety to be an prerequisite and release the negative effect caused by the priority of filial piety; (b) to accommodate the role of men as breadwinner and release the maternal role of women as housekeeper; (c) to accommodate the culture of male superiority and female inferiority and release the influence of male superiority. As for the treatment of simply releasing the culture, there were also three ways—(a) to regard the male and female clients living with the culture of male superiority and female inferiority; (b) to release the cultural frame of male superiority and female inferiority; (c) to reconstruct the female subjectivity.
Moreover, the four therapeutic factors that facilitated the effective treatment for cultural issues included taking good control of the counseling context, initiating the clients’ dynamic, using effective treatment and strengthening the counselors’ profession. First of all, taking good control of the counseling context included establishing the therapeutic relationship and following the clients’ cultural context. Secondly, the factor of initiating the clients’ dynamic included raising the clients’ motivation for counseling, seeing and initiating female clients’ positive power, inviting male clients’ to join the counseling, changing the male clients’ concept and connecting the relationship of clients’ family. Thirdly, the factor of using effective treatment included properly using the therapeutic language and cyclic questions as well as utilizing experiential therapy. Fourthly, the factor of strengthening the profession included having sensitivity and professional knowledge about the cultural issues, establishing the status of professional authority and receiving help from the effective supervision teams.
Finally, according to the result of this study, the researcher proposed the reflection on the researcher’s and the participants’ experience and also provided the specific suggestions for counselors and future studies.
Keywords: family therapist, cultural issues, effective therapy experience
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