

作者(外文):Jiu-Mei Han
主題關鍵詞:泥岩區農民生活世界環境識覺現象學地理學Mudstone AreaFarmersLife-worldEnvironmental PerceptionPhenomenological Geography
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Adopting Husserl’s phenomenological theory of life-world and Heidegger’s hermeneutical phenomenology of existentialism, this paper attempted to construct human environmental perception by inquiring the relationship between people and their language. The study carried out the conversation analysis of language text by dismantling and re-integrating the text. However, the approach of phenomenological geography to the study of environmental perception has not gained much attention in Taiwan and remained much to be discussed. An attempt was made to present an example of constructing farmers’ environmental perception in the mudstone area with the method of the phenomenological geography. Specifically, this paper aims to address the following issues: first, constructing epistemology as a basis for the study of environmental perception and establishing the research framework; second, proposing a novel methodology of environmental perception research; third, exposing farmers’ life-world in the mudstone area; and fourth, revealing the formation of farmers’ environmental perception and its significance.
The results show that the farmers’ life-world in the barren mudstone area is lack of opportunity and governmental support and situated in an unfavorable environment. In the physical world, the environment limits farmers’ reclamation and the natural resources provide little opportunities to the residents. In the adaptive world, the farmers transformed barren lands into farmlands by improving soils and digging reservoirs. However, laws and regulations impose restrictions on the utilization of mudstone area due to the need of soil and water conservation. Accordingly, these situations affect the ways that the farmers perceive the land, water resources, and the legal system. In the sensuous world, the way that the farmers name the mudstone terrains showed their focus of the sensory experience. The olfactory experience of fresh air, skin-whitening imagination of the mud and positive assessment of mudstone terrain, collectively illustrated the possible superposition of sensory experience and life experience.
Furthermore, the formation and connotation of farmer’s environmental perception disclosed in their life world reveals how people perceive their environment is closely related to people’s growth experience in the environment. In familial factors, land heritage system is the foundation to nurture the perception of living environment; agricultural life is the learning and practice of cognitive activity. In social factors, legal, political and economic organizations have a profound impact on the farmers' sensation and perception of daily life. In natural factors, the distinct physicochemical properties of the mudstones inspire farmers' awareness, imagination and behavior.
In sum, environmental perception cannot be studied with absence of the subjectivity. The phenomenological approach to the environmental perception, as opposed to the mainstream of quantitative approach, will close to the facts of human subjectivity and meaning, and retain the perspective of the interested parties to understanding of the reclamation living world. In other words, the advantage of phenomenological approach is to merge people's structure of sense and their environment into one, rather than to separate the subjectivity from the objectivity. The respondents will eventually reflect a “being-in-the-world” and “naturally natural” environmental perception through the intersubjective interpretation of conversational processes between researcher and respondents.
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