

作者:黃茱珺 引用關係
作者(外文):Chu-Chun Huang
主題關鍵詞:金門高粱酒貢糖紀念品在地鑲嵌文化創意Kinmen Kaoliang Liquorpeanut candiessouvenirlocal embeddednessculture creativity
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研究結果發現,兩岸分裂對峙Cross-strait confrontation,國軍駐戍金門,引發金門高粱酒的釀造與貢糖的興起。兩岸和平共處時,金門成為觀光勝地,觀光產業蓬勃發展,金門高粱酒與貢糖產業從加工品轉型為禮品。兩岸進一步地交流、往來則為金門注入大陸文化,金門高粱酒與貢糖的銷售網絡急速擴張。從變遷脈絡清楚呈現兩岸的敵對與和解狀態,使紀念品與金門的鑲嵌模式解構與重構。因此高粱酒、貢糖與金門特殊的兩岸區位價值以及長時間的戰地文化緊密鑲嵌。
Due to its proximity to China, Kinmen is considered the front line of the conflict between Taiwan and the mainland. During the war times, Kaoliang, a distilled liquor, and Peanut Candy were the core industries of Kinmen. This tradition is still popular today when the island is fully open to tourism. These two industries dictate the economic development of the Kinmen island. Therefore, it’s necessary to establish a souvenir purchase culture. This research investigates the features of embeddedness of the souvenir industry, the Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor and Peanut Candy, in perspectives of nature, social structure, economy and politics and constructs the history veins of a transition from which the Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor and Peanut Candy become the indicators of tourism products. Moreover, we attempt to construct the cultural support of Kinmen souvenirs by probing the culture practices of local embeddedness from the perspective of culture creativity.
The studies show the following findings. When the two sides of the Taiwan Straits were locked in a confrontation, the Nationalist army was deployed in Kinmen, which triggered the manufacturing of Kinmen Kaoliang and the emergence of the Peanut Candy.When Taiwan’s bilateral tensions with China ease, Kinmen becomes a tourist attraction. With a flourishing tourism industry, Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor and Peanut Candy have evolved into gifts from processed products.The closer economic ties and exchanges between Taiwan and China help instill the Chinese culture into Kinmen, and expand the sales network of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor and Peanut Candy. According to the history veins of a transition from the state of hostility between the two sides to reconciliation, it leads to the deconstruction and reconstruction of embeddedness mode between souvenirs and Kinmen. Therefore, these two products are fully embedded in Kinmen, a fomer flashpoint in the Taiwan Strait and a long-time battelfied.
Our research provides two culture creativities. One is the culture codes of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor based on the features of a country during hostilities and the intensified images of local festivals after the exchanges of the two sides. The other is the cultural elements of Peanut Candy based on the Nationalist army, cultures of the Chiang Family, and plebeian refreshments.The local culture creativities of Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor and Peanut Candy are emboldened, through the way of packaging, to reflect the unique natural resources, the culture totem, and the historical memories.
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