

作者(外文):Ling-wan Chen
主題關鍵詞:樂觀感恩真實快樂人際關係因應策略optimismgratitudeauthentic happinessinterpersonal relationscoping strategies
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The study was based on Fredrickson’s broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions; it aimed to investigate the relationships among optimism, gratitude and authentic happiness of university students. Furthermore, the study constructed the model and verified if interpersonal relations and coping strategies were the mediators of the model.
A questionnaire survey was conducted in this study. The first data obtained from 282 students was employed to test the reliability and validity of all the scales. The second data from 1251 students was meant to explore the difference between demographic variables and optimism, gratitude, interpersonal relations, coping strategies and authentic happiness; in addition, they were used to construct and verify the structural model.
The samples completed self-report instruments including Basic Data Questionnaire, Optimism Scale, Gratitude Scale, Interpersonal Relations Scale, Coping Strategies Scale and Authentic Happiness Scale. Data obtained from the survey were analyzed by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, one way MANOVA and structural equation modeling (AMOS). The major findings of this research were as follows:
1. The scales were appropriate to evaluate university students’ optimism, gratitude, interpersonal relations, coping strategies and authentic happiness.
2. The university students’ optimism differed according to gender, college and grade; their gratitude correlated with gender and college; their interpersonal relations differed according to gender, public/private school, college and grade; their coping strategies correlated with gender, public/private school, college and grade; and their authentic happiness differed according to gender, public/private school, college and grade.
3. The university students’ optimism had a direct and positive effect on their authentic happiness. The relationship between optimism and authentic happiness was also mediated by interpersonal relations and coping strategies. The indirect effect was greater than the direct effect.
4. The university students’ gratitude directly and positively impacted their authentic happiness. The relationship between gratitude and authentic happiness was also mediated by interpersonal relations and coping strategies. The indirect effect was greater than the direct effect.
According to the findings and conclusions, this study proposed the suggestions for university students, universities and future research.
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