

作者(外文):Lan, I-Chih
主題關鍵詞:新自由主義城市空間策略選擇機制危機管理的危機積極不干預主義多重尺度neoliberal citymechanism of spatial strategic selectivitycrisis of crisis managementpositive non-interventionismmulti-scalar
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Among the Asia-Pacific major cities, Hong Kong is peculiar because of its specific spatial matrix, institutional infrastructure, and governance strategy, which have made the global city-state represent the interesting urban experience behind its neoliberal city formation. There has been abundant works exploring the dilemma of urban governance in the post-97 Hong Kong. Unlike these works, the thesis attempts to provide an alternative approach based on Neo-Marxian political economy of space to illustrate the governance chaos criticized by the masses of the post-97 Hong Kong society. It especially focuses on the neoliberal urban crisis and the urban planning system and mega-projects taken by the Hong Kong government as the measures of crisis management. By means of reviewing the “positive non-interventionism” underpinned in the colonial era, the thesis indicates that the attitude of government is not the laissez-faire principle espoused by neoliberal economists but the mode of social regulation through selective state intervention to stabilize the dual track accumulation regime between the British capital-led commercial and the Chinese capital-led manufacturing sectors in the specific circumstances of postwar geopolitical economy. In the early days, the specific context of spatial economic governance helped the colonial state acquire the legitimacy through strategic selectivity and promoted Hong Kong to establish its prominent position of global city system in the post-1990 era of neoliberalism. After its sovereign return in 1997, Hong Kong Government attempts to maintain the colonial institutional advantage under the “One Country, Two Systems” framework. However, facing the multi-scalar socio-spatial dynamic from the outer and inner environments in the post-97 era, the mechanism of spatial strategic selectivity is “outdated” today because it has not been able to meet the needs from the divergent values of spatial production and complex game of scalar construction. Observing the emerging forces of spatial rescaling and related planning cases, the thesis argues that the spatial contestations behind these cases result from the outdated mechanism of spatial strategic selectivity, which can not only effectively mitigate the neoliberal urban crisis but exacerbate the chaos into the “crisis of crisis management”.
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