

作者:蘇明如 引用關係
作者(外文):Su, MingJu
主題關鍵詞:文化政策多元文化博物館地方文化館計畫文化多樣性文化研究文化治理Cultural PolicyMulti-CultureMuseumThe local cultural museum projectCultural DiversityCultural StudiesCultural Governance
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The diversity of local cultural museums in Taiwan is one of the response to global museum localization. This research focused on ‘the Local Cultural Museum Project ’ (2002-2011) of Councils for Culture Affairs in Taiwan ( ROC), connected with the universal declaration on cultural diversity of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
It traced the spiritual model shifting of 20 century Taiwan museums; and presented the early-21st century Taiwan local cultural museums, which reflect Taiwan’ s history, arts, industries, ecological diversity, ethnic groups and religions, through comparison of Colonialism(1900s~1940s), Nationalism(1950s~1960s) Modernism(1970s~1980s), and Communitarianism(1990s~2000) in the 20th century. This research analyzed subsidies of more than 400 sites during the past decade, reconstructed policy history, recognized the contribution of policies to local cultural museums, and also discussed insufficiencies.
The research found that there was no overall supporting project for small-to-medium museums from government at the national level in Taiwan’s century of museum development history. In the past, the Councils of Culture Affairs was not the official authority of museums. In 2012, The Department of Culture is expected to operate as an independent responsible unit in charge of museums, make Museum Acts and culture policies for small-medium museums, to set up evaluation standards for museums to improve the overall museums’ environments from local to national levels.
The research also indicates that diversity is one of the national goals designated in the Constitution but the words seem pro forma these days. Providing outlets for different cultures and turning those differences into co-existence powers are the core value of diversity of culture policies but these issues are not emphasized in current local culture museum policy, such as the disappearance of diverse ethnic group issues with bureaucracy and lack of understanding of gender through various dimensions.
However, museums in a multicultural age can play the role of providing a platform for mutual understanding, bringing harmony to disparate groups and acting as a resource for creativity. As such, ‘Cultural Diversity’ definitely should be part of future cultural policies and as the main spirit in policy implementation. One decade of local culture museum policy was the echo of museums in a multicultural age. The research analyzed in detail local culture museum policies and development in Taiwan, based on field studies, examined the culture policy implementation, and reconsidered overall Taiwan museum environments in order to provide substantial suggestion of museums and culture policies to governments. It also tries to refresh the general impression of local culture museums and to present debates on multi-culture, museum governance, multi thinking and tensions they give rise to.
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