

作者(外文):Lee, Yi-Ju
主題關鍵詞:歷史地理學地緣政治學政治經濟學空間分布遊客認知遊客行為決策過程historical geographygeopoliticspolitical economyspatial distributiontourist cognitiontourist behaviordecision-making process
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透過文獻與田野調查,掌握各時期的主要黑暗觀光地景有:1. 發生在西元1661-1662年(明永曆15-16年)鄭成功與荷蘭人激戰的古戰場,即今臺南市安平區安平古堡與赤崁樓地區;2. 發生在西元1884-1885年(清光緒10-11年)清法戰爭時期的古戰場,今基隆市清法戰爭園區及基隆獅球嶺、二沙灣砲台等區;3. 發生在西元1930年(民國19年)臺灣日治時期的古戰場,今南投縣日治時期霧社地區賽德克族人抗日的古戰場;以及4. 發生在西元1949年(民國38年)國共在金門古寧頭海灘及高地肉搏激戰的戰場。
本研究透過供給面與需求面的調查結果,發現四個研究樣區可對應到Miles (2002)及Stone (2006)提出的「黑暗觀光地景供給及遊客體驗序列」,依此序列:明鄭時期的臺南安平古堡戰場遺址,因為距今時間尺度最久遠(約350年),又舉辦鄭成功「文化節」等娛樂性活動,政治影響與意識形態趨低,已傾向光明(light)的黑暗觀光地景;而距今約125年的清法基隆二沙灣砲台及清法戰爭墓園區等,低度的觀光設施、高度的戰場識覺,仍處在較黑暗(darker)的地景;至於戰爭發生距今僅80年的南投霧社抗日紀念區及60年的金門古寧頭戰場,相對較短的時間尺度、很強的位置真實性與教育性,高度的政治影響與意識形態,因此二者皆傾向最黑暗(darkest)的觀光地景體驗。此黑暗觀光序列的分析成果有助於規劃臺灣地區戰場遺址觀光地景的整體架構、相關法規的制定原則、以及協助地方社群參與地景發展與解說教育的推廣工作等。
This study uses the theory of historical geography and geopolitics to analyze the battlefield heritages through the Ming Cheng, Qing, Japanese, and Republic of China in Taiwan from the 17th century to the present. Colonial invasions and civil war created the context of fierce fighting while shaping important battlefield heritage landscapes in Taiwan. The objective of this research was to understand the supply and demand facets of battlefield heritage landscapes. The dark tourism spectrum of battlefield heritage in Taiwan was also constructed.
Literature review and fieldwork were conducted to grasp major dark tourism attractions in different periods: 1. the ancient battlefield between Dutch and Cheng in 1641-42, they are nowadays Anping Fort and Chik-kan Tower in Anping District, Tainan city. 2. the ancient battlefield of the Sino-French War in 1884-85, they are nowadays Sino-French War Relic, Shihciouling and Ershawan Fortification, etc. 3. The ancient battlefield during the Japanese colonial period in 1930, which against by Seediq in Wushe area, Nantou. 4. The battlefield and bayonet fighting in Kinmen Guningtou beach and plateau between the Nationalists and the Communists in 1949.
Furthermore, this research adopted quantitative questionnaire survey and qualitative in-depth interviews in order to gather data of the cognition, behavior decision-making process of tourists and to analyze the level of information fields of the dark attractions on demand side. The planning characteristics of the public and private sectors of the supply side were also analyzed. In general, high percentages of the tourist motivation were found in the form of picnic or side tour trips of the attractions. There were about 30% who were seeking for visit battlefield dark attractions, to confirm the location of the heritages, to grasp the history materials, to visit ancient battlefield landscapes, to visit the military ruins of the past, or to visit the military cemetery.
Three levels were distinguished through a comparison of the available breadth and depth of information for battlefield attractions. Tainan Anping Fort was considered at high information level; it is the most famous heritage battlefield. Kinmen Guningtou Battlefield and the Nantou Wushe Memorial Sites were considered at a medium level. Keelung Ershawan Fortification and The Sino-French War Relic were at a low information level; this is indicated in its low popularity. In terms of tourist flows, the most tourists were from intra-region areas in all of the research samples, in addition to Kinmen Guningtou. Tourists to Guningtou were mainly from the north and south of Taiwan, where the accessibility and awareness of the attractions were the main factors of the tourist flow.
As for the supply side of planning in public sectors, memorial activities were held on special dates in four research sample areas. They offered opportunities for residents and tourists to know the site histories. The study found that private sector groups assisted in the battlefield heritage activities. The Anping Cultural Education Foundation in Tainan, the Camel Volunteer Association and the Keelung History Association all had high interaction levels with the public sectors.
The survey indicates that four sample areas correspond well to the dark tourism demand and experience spectrum as proposed by Miles (2002) and Stone (2006). The Fort Anping battle site (today in Tainan), dating back about 350 years to General Cheng of Ming China, held a Cheng "Cultural Festival" and other recreational activities; its political influence and ideological trends are low, tending to be a light rather than dark attraction (site associated with trauma). Dating back about 125 years ago, Ershawan Fortification and The Sino-French War Relic in Keelung have low levels of tourism facilities and a high degree of battlefield perception; it is still a relatively dark (Darker) attraction (where disaster and tragedy actually occurred). The outbreak of war only 80 years ago at Wushe Memorial Park in Nantou, and about 60 years ago at Kinmen Guningtou Battlefield, are relatively short time scales. They both have a strong position of authenticity and educational value, as well as a high political influence and ideology, so these two tendencies are associated with the darkest (Darkest) tourist attraction experience (virtual recreations of disaster sites). The results of sequence analysis of dark tourism can help shape the battlefield sites as tourist attractions in Taiwan's overall framework, the formulation of the principles of relevant laws and regulations, and also help local communities develop attractions in the promotion of education and interpretation work.
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