

作者(外文):Mun-Mei Shen
主題關鍵詞:宗教傳播宗教媒體組織文化組織同化組織認定religious communicationreligious mediaorganizational cultureorganizational assimilationorganizational identity
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本研究視宗教傳播為一種文化現象,採取文化-詮釋的研究觀點,探討台灣宗教傳播的發展與特性,主要視文化乃衍生於人際互動中(social interaction),並透過象徵形式所表現的意義而產生、延續與變化。研究以宗教、媒體和文化間互動的研究概念架構,從社會文化和組織文化兩個層面來耙梳宗教傳播的內涵、形式與過程。首先以台灣的宗教傳播和宗教媒體的發展脈絡為背景,從中勾勒出台灣宗教傳播的演變圖像,以及宗教媒體組織對於社會文化建構的參與;研究進而以國內最大的宗教媒體組織-慈濟人文志業為例,從其組織文化中逐層梳理出宗教傳播的文化內涵與運作特徵。
Given that almost no research has specific studied the cultural construction of religious communication, this study is intended to fill this gap by exploring the linkage of religion, media and cultural interaction. The purposes of this study are:(1) to describe and interpretive the interaction pattern about religion, media and culture,(2) to examine the cultural construction about broad socioculture and the organizational culture.
This research treats religious communication as a cultural phenomenon to further explore the development and characteristics of religious communication in Taiwan. Culture derives meanings in social interaction through symbolic forms of meaning production, extension and transformation. The conceptual framework of this research is based on religion, media and cultural interaction. First, the background of religious communication and religious media development are explored to further develop the history of religious communication in Taiwan and its social participation of social and cultural construction. This research takes Tzu Chi Culture and Communication
Foundation as an example to conclude the nature and practical characteristics of religious communication.
This research intends to clarify that “Religious Communication” is not a simple act of preaching or the dual “instrumental” discourses religious media usage. It further contends that region is mediated to preach religious beliefs through media, which is a system of meaning interpretation- a process of meaning exchanging. In the mediated
context, the media play the roles of a much more complicated and diverse social practices. Symbols and meanings are exchanged, coordinated, and transformed within the media to further provide reference frameworks of cultural network.
The research results indicate that the meanings of religious communication represent divergence, relatively fluid and dynamic linkages. Religion mediated though media woven into political and economical social construction definition. The meanings of communication were selected and reorganized to reshape communication
content. The meaning of religious communication is no longer fixed in religious beliefs, ideals or religious claims, but translated, exchanged and reinterpreted.
Based on these understandings, this research further explored how the political deregulation impact the relationship between religions and media. Religion transformed from “buying media” to “managing media”- being independent and non-profit, and further organized, professionalized, and finally institutionalized. The target audiences of religious communication were no longer the followers but the
publics. The contents were no longer limited in religious beliefs but the social meaning construction, from religious level to public level. The role of religious media was also promoted to participator in public sphere to agenda setters.
Finally, the research found that the leader (founder) of the religious organization plays an important role in religious organizational culture, shaping the cognition of religious media roles and goals. During the process of culture construction, organizational culture provide socialization strategies for the organization. Tzu Chi Culture and Communication Foundation integrated internal cultures through five
organizational socialization strategies, shaping the collective identities, sense of organization and loyalty. Insiders pass on the elements of organizational culture to strengthen organizational identity. They might not be well equipped the management skills or religious beliefs, but they are best representatives of profound experiences of Tzu Chi for endeavors organizational identity. Therefore, they are able to provide practical meanings for new comers to further reinforce the shared organizational identity.
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