

作者(外文):Liou, Jeng Ping
主題關鍵詞:中小企業財富創造財富傳承金融專業金融資本金融與社會small/medium enterprisewealth creationinheritance of wealthfinancial specialtyfinancial capitalfinance and society
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From 1945 ( the year of Taiwan's retrocession ) to 1970, Taiwan belonged to agricultural society, which gradually transformed into industrial society in 1980s; moreover, after 1990s, Taiwan has developed toward information industry and service industry; financial industry has changed with the influences of external environment, politics, economics, education, and culture; therefore, finance and the society have close relationship. A bank gives guidance and assistance to enterprises and offers an advice for investment with its financial specialty, and utilizes small and medium enterprise credit guarantee fund or uses the tools such as trust to assist the clients to acquire financial capital smoothly. Whether it is big enterprise or small/medium enterprise, they all need effective allocation of resources after obtaining financial capital from the bank, and transform the deposits acquired from the society into the enterprise's financial capital to help the enterprise to expand and have reproduction and benefit the people in the society, and thus create the multiple-win state among bank, enterprise, and the society to reach prosperity .
After the business owners of small and medium enterprises work hard to earn money, they must cooperate with financial specialty and financial capital, make use of the thought of investment reacting to new normal conditions and critical situation, and heighten the non-work income's proportion in the income. If there is no financial planning,and just depositing the money in the bank, it's possible that the inflation would consume the purchasing power produced from interest income whether it is NTD deposit or foreign currency deposit. If making an investment in gold, because it has no interest, it would not have the function of maintaining the value except investing at a low point or during the period of inflation. If making an investment in stocks, common fund, or futures options, maybe because of the dramatic variation/ change of the big environment and market fluctuation, it may cause serious loss if hedge is not doing well. At the part of investment in real estate: it is restricted by the laws and regulations of a nation, can not cross the national boundaries, and is often influenced by reformation of laws and decrees or change of dynasty or regime, and thus an irresistible risk is produced. If not taking political risk into account, to invest in real estate, one must invest in a core section of metropolitan area so as to have room for price appreciation; if a person invests in the section at the border area, it may cause loss. The researcher suggested that a business owner should shift partial capital reaped from his or her own industry to the international platform, utilize private bank platform, integrate excellent international bonds and life insurance, cooperate with international financial capital, and plan the framework of inheritance of trust. to scatter the risk of field in this way , and make use of the effect of compound interest to accumulate the wealth with the aid of trust planning, the accumulated wealth can be passed on for more than three generations, and be inherited generation after generation . The conclusion of the analysis of the dissertation was that via financial specialty and financial capital, the bank can assist the small and medium enterprises to create the wealth and do the inheritance of wealth .
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