

主題關鍵詞:華語語系文學情感恥辱自我反思在地化弱勢跨國主義Sinophone literatureaffectshameself-reflexivitylocalizationminor transnationalism
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這本論文以當代台灣場域內的文學與文化生產為分析對象,檢視華語語系恥辱的運作與其涉及的相關課題。第一章梳理華語語系恥辱如何提供一種有別於目前東亞病夫論述的觀點,幫助我們理解台灣在地意識興起後的當代文學生產。第二章以施叔青的小說《行過洛津》為個案,主張恥辱感所隱含的自我否定、自我批判如何帶領我們重新思考主體想像,形塑一種極具自我反思意涵的「驅地想像」,以此將回應耳熟能詳的「在地想像」論述。第三章以在台馬華作家黃錦樹的小說《刻背/Dari Pulau Ke Pulau由島至島》為個案,探討恥辱如何連結不同華語語系文學生產,從比較觀點檢視跨國脈絡下「在地性」大異其趣的內涵。此外,本章也企圖檢視以文化異質性為內涵的華語語系研究,背後可能隱藏什麼樣的挑戰。第四章以高行健編導、台灣文建會製作的戲劇《八月雪》為案例,思考台灣官方如何仰仗高行健的諾貝爾文學獎知名度,實踐從地方走向世界的道路,本章希冀能開展恥辱與認可政治的論述空間。奠基在前述章節對華語語系恥辱的演繹,第五章則回過頭思考華語語系世界的大中華民族主義。本章將比較白先勇崑曲作品青春版《牡丹亭》和陳映真的小說《忠孝公園》,這兩個作品是21世紀華人朝向新中國回航的具體例子,引領讀者探索中華民族主義與華語語系恥辱之間的辯證。第六章將統合各章論述重點,主張以充滿自我反思與自我批判為取徑的華語語系恥辱,有助於跳脫台灣文學以弱勢抵抗為主流的論述,從而開闢出以自我反思為動能的文學研究取徑。
Current Chinese literary and cultural studies tend to conceptualize “shame” in the nationalistic context of the dialectic between the vision of new China and the identification of China as “sick man of Aisa.” However, with the rise of local consciousness in the Sinophone world, attention is increasingly directed toward a new sense of shame, namely, feeling ashamed of one’s Chinese identity. The effects of shame allow Chinese people to problematize their taken-for-granted ethnic, cultural, and emotional ties with a Chinese identity. The emerging trend of exploring one’s Chinese identity is reflected in contemporary Taiwanese literature, particularly nativist literature, diasporic writing, historiography, and family sagas. Insofar as the critique of Chinese identity, the notion of shame in this dissertation must be considered a positive, reflexive, and self-transformational affect rather than a negative feeling, as is typically presupposed.
By considering Taiwanese literary production in the Sinophone context, this dissertation addresses the use of self-reflexivity accompanied by a sense of shame. Chapter 1 describes how the shame of the Sinophone offers an alternative methodology that can enhance current understanding of Sinophone identity in contrast to the discourse of “the sick man of Asia”. Chapter 2 addresses Shi Shu-chin’s Taiwanese historiographic fiction, Walking through Lo-chin. In this work, the author emphasizes the use of shame to shape Taiwanese subjectivity and place-driven imagination. Chapter 3 presents an analysis of the minor transnationalism of the Sinophone by focusing on the novel Back Inscription/Dari Pulau Ke Pulau/ From Island to Island written by Ng Kim Chew as a case study, and how the Sinophone world is articulated according to the shared structures of feelings of shame. Regarding the heterogeneity celebrated in Sinophone studies, this study also critically examines the dark aspects of such heterogeneous Sinophone imagination. Chapter 4 presents a discussion on Gao Xingjian’s play Snow in August, which was produced and sponsored by the Taiwanese government. By working with Nobel laureate Gao Xingjian to target a global audience, the Taiwanese government demonstrated strong intentions to reach the global stage, vividly embodying Taiwan’s cosmopolitan vision. Based on previous discussions on the shame of the Sinophone, Chinese nationalism in the Sinophone world is addressed in Chapter 5. This chapter presents a comparison of Pai Hsien-yung’s Kunqu opera Peony Pavilion with Chen Yingzheng’s novel Loyalty Park to describe the dialectic relationship between restorative Chinese nationalism and the reflective shame of the Sinophone. Chapter 6 provides a summary of previous arguments to demonstrate how this new notion of Sinophone shame, with its distinctive features of self-reflexivity and self-criticism, helps to shed light on a refreshing thinking to go beyond the minor antagonistic discourses rooted in Taiwanese literary research as well as Sinophone study.
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