

作者:姜穎 引用關係
作者(外文):Ying Chiang
主題關鍵詞:女性主義運動社會學認同女性運動員國族主義feminismsociology of sportidentityfemale athletesnationalism
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In contemporary western cultural discourses, a significant amount research has focused on the relationship of sport to the construction and transformation of nationalism and national identity. With this in mind, it is worth noting that both nationalism and sport were established on the basis of a western value system and have been dominated by men. Many early feminists viewed sport as an inherently inappropriate site for their energies because of its institutionalised sexism. Both non-western and female perspectives have been relatively marginal and often trivialized in debates on sport and nationalism. Thus, this research built contextualized and historical understandings of gender discourses on sport and nationalism in Taiwan. Modern Taiwan, from the Japanese colonial era to nowadays, with its multi-colonized history and belated modernity, has a very different ‘national’ story from most western societies. The way that sport is articulated with Taiwanese nationalism is also unique. Nationalism is the undertone of the imagination and practice of sport in Taiwan. This dissertation focuses on how Taiwanese female athletes have been represented in the history of sport and Taiwanese nationalism and on what symbolic roles they have been assigned. The interviews with many important female athletes expressed their life experiences. It is found that when sports women succeed on the international stage, especially while their male counterparts failed, they became the national hero and ‘the glory of Taiwan’. In sum, the unique character of Taiwanese sport nationalism creates empowerment opportunities for female athletes. The history of Taiwan sport nationalism will be incomplete without the story of female athletes. However, we should bear in mind that men still take the dominant roles in Taiwan’s sport field. Gendered disciplinary discourses, such as the beauty myth and compulsory heterosexuality, still dominate Taiwanese female athletes’ media representation and further influence their practice and self-identity.
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