

作者:顏加松 引用關係
作者(外文):Chia Sung Yen
主題關鍵詞:組織正義新聞專業主義置入性行銷電視新聞工作者人力資源管理媒體經營管理Organizational justiceJournalists' professionalismPlacement marketingHuman resource managementTelevision journalistMedia management
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The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between product placement and journalists' professionalism, which was mediated by organizational justice. To gain the result, researcher used
both qualitative and quantitative research method. Using questionnaire survey for news industrial in Taiwan, that include 8 commercial television corporations. Questionnaires were dispatched to 800 television journalists. There were 259 questionnaires collected validly. Later, researcher interviewed 10 television journalists to make sure that the data were collected properly.
Results of this study found that (1) Placement marketing has
significant positive effects on television journalists' professionalism. (2)Placement marketing has significant positive effects on organizational justice. (3) Organizational justice has significant positive effects on television journalists' professionalism. (4) Organizational justice has partial mediate effects on placement marketing and television journalists professionalism.

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