

作者(外文):Lin, Pinghong
主題關鍵詞:弱勢單親家庭親職母職disadvantaged single familiesparentingmotherhood
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The family is the first social group that one would contact in his/her life. Also, there’s a complicated relationship between the parents’ parenting behaviors and the result of children’s development in their growing process.
This research adopted the narrative method to explore the awareness of the disadvantaged single mother’s parenting experience, and to understand the perceived parenting experience, including the respondent’s family ecology, the strengths and weaknesses of child-rearing, the feelings of parenting practice, and the significance of their life experience. The aim of this research is to enhance the understanding of the disadvantaged single mother’s parenting career in the country. This research provided a more profound realization towards disadvantaged single family for the human service workers relating family or social education when they are working on the parenting education in single families. It also provided a reference to the related studies in the future.
We found out that the respondent’s rough growing experience and the internalization of parenthood in her early childhood made a potential impact on her parenting behaviors after marriage. During the practice of the disadvantaged single parenting career, the support from all aspects lifted up a great inspiration for the running of the respondent’s family. The respondent’s widowed and parenting practice career was full of loneliness, helplessness and contained negative qualities towards inner thinking. These characteristics affected respondent’s motherhood self-awareness and child-rearing styles. Even if the children have grown up, these characteristics affected the disadvantaged single mother’s perspective to life as well.
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